Monday, February 28, 2011

Sail California Optimist For Sale


Thanks to friends who love touring Italy years ago I found this place outside world.
Created by human hands.
And today in this gray day, and what better way piovviginosa
to warm the heart, not looking at these pictures?
Via the record, via policy, via murder, via successes, by the cold and away the headache.

The place is the plain of Castelluccio di Norcia, in the park of the Sibillini Mountains, in Umbria.
It 's the place where lentils are grown.
The colors are data from yellow lentils, red poppies, the blue of cornflowers,
the purple sage and more.
The show deserves to be seen. The flowering season is from June to July.
photos I have taken from the internet, just type flowering Castelluccio and opens a colorful world.


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