Sunday, February 6, 2011

Manual For Vitamix 3600


I do not have, of course. Two goals
I date, only two: stop smoking and lose a few pounds.
Even just the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing these two things together is unhealthy, but how can you stop smoking and do not fall back on food or, conversely, remove culinary whims of unspeakable delight and not to download with cigarettes, the resulting neurosis?
I do not know the answer! But I know for sure that my nerves and my firm belief in strict achieve these goals have led me to smoke twice and swallow the implausible. Obviously, my self-esteem affects peak depth such as to arouse the envy of Pelizzari. What
me angry is that two weeks I plan lunch and dinner according to the contribution Nurit substances, trawled the internet all the health conscious, healthy recipes, buy pounds and pounds of cereals, soups and seeds, I constantly search for any way to stop smoking around pharmacies, herbalist's shops and libraries. Almost as if I was doing it for real. And believe it! Then I open my package and I see that I have seven cigarettes .. Panic! Enough for tonight? You better have to buy another, you never know. Then step away from the supermarket to buy coffee and I know that I need to move one lane to find them. I do not even pretend to have doubt. Vado. Determined. I have already extended his hand. E 'for a while and have already planed on the sofa with cigarette and ashtray on my left and M & M's and the ginger my right. The apotheosis.
We hope that at least on television do not speak to your health!


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