Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Alexia Teexas Black Guys

disgusting ... Reflections

I really suck.
I was playing very well today. Green tea, gym, 1 liter and a half of water drained before lunch, whole wheat pasta with vegetables ... then started the spiluccamento. A forkful of cake. A small sandwich. Another half a roll. For dinner, a whole sandwich, salad, half portion of chips. I suck.
are disgusting. I have hips swaying as lard is over, my legs tremble at every step. How dare I leave the house in jeans and sweaters? Should I use a burqa. I'm not even managed to throw up, I had too little time and now my father is around. Bah.
Tomorrow I do not think I can go to the gym but I will try to dispose of an hour and a half of exercise bike and a little 'dance. I will eat little, especially carbohydrates. Welcome vegetables, fortunately I like a lot.
I do not want to fill my body with carbohydrates and fats, cursed me and my passion. I do not hate the food. Hate me because I can not control. I do not want to stop eating. I just want to eat the right way and do not overdo it. I want to lose those 15 pounds more I find myself, I lost 4 and have a few, I have to resist more important to the perspective that I can not control myself from food.
You can not lose control for a fucking pizza, for a damn sandwich the burger to a cake. Why I do not take only half a pizza, just a sandwich, just a slice of cake. No, I have an obsession with food. This is not love the food. E 'be adversely affected. Basta. I want my stomach shrinks. I have less hunger. I want to be able to control my attacks. I want to let off steam with something else rather than on food.
begins on the first day of diet as a diet that is designed as a scheme MENTAL.


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