Monday, February 21, 2011

Popcorn Dipped In White Chocolate Recipe


This Monday was not so bad. I have eaten vegetables in broth and 40 grams of pasta topped with a teaspoon of oil to a yogurt snack, dinner tomato soup (it's simple and low-calorie) and vegetables with slices (without oil and bread).
I had to go to a pizzeria, but I jumped, it is not a bad thing because I was able to move forward without sgarra for another day. I do not know if the pizza I'll eat tomorrow or another day, depending on when he will return, but this will do it at home so no oil, just mix a little cheese and grilled vegetables to put on. However, for today I do not think it will do nothing and then eat a cookie and milk for breakfast, rice (40 grams) with vegetables for lunch, a fruit snack, vegetable burgers and salad for dinner (I have to take iron and protein but eat red meat every two days I do not like) should they return to Him, dinner make pizza at home, with large increase of calories, but avoid carbohydrates at lunch (and then only vegetables) and carbohydrates from the menu on Wednesday.

The study was pretty well, so I can be satisfied even though I still very much to do.
Today I had to see me with my friend in the afternoon and another in the evening, but ultimately not gone, I do not feel comfortable thinking about having to leave. These days are so unfortunately, I do not like to go out and see me with people I do not know why and I sincerely hope I throw a bad feeling because we have already passed some time ago and I do not want caderci again.
Later I see myself with one of my girlfriends this afternoon. I do not want to jump out this time is not right either because I do not feel like the last moment, and then why to bother to go out is not really something I like.
Now I wish you a good night:)


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