Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dark Red Violet Colour

week over ...

... thank goodness. It 'been a week boring and pathetic. All studied well, except me. Those few who did not study came out, except me. Bah.
The good news is that I lost the pounds that I had taken two weeks ago, again at 66. I'd like to get to 60 before Easter, but it seems like a goal too. 6 kg in a month and a half is too much, but I would really like to lose at least 4. Well, not with words that get results, but just eating and doing exercise.
He's back, Today we met. I was pleased, but in recent days to feel he had become a mess ... but my good intentions of a couple of weeks ago did not go to hell, and I'm happy. We should see each other again tomorrow, I hope to maintain the diet and to be able to be calm.
Besides diet, tomorrow my plans include going to the post, go to the gym, study.
I just remembered having to prepare the pizza tomorrow night ... alas, I hope to be able to control it ... or change the program. In case I had to prepare, I would do with the my little dough, half portion of mozzarella and a lot of vegetables on it. By day, I would avoid the carbs ... problem is that after the gym I am always hungry absurd, so I have to make up un'insalatona with tomato and lettuce. Somehow I will ...


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