Monday, February 28, 2011

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raining ...

... very strong. Thunders and flashes. I am afraid, very, always, of thunder and lightning. While my cat was alive she kept me company, in fact, we kept each other company, she was a wimp, but now I was alone. Ask him is unthinkable, because they shoot first, then why is not nice to force people. There was a time when he was only too happy to protect me, but now are past, I'm afraid if I arrange. The principle is not absolutely wrong, in fact, better not depend on anybody.
Today we had a big fight, and I felt like crap. In order not to scream or say bad things are gone and I was around in the rain for an hour, hoping to call me or send me a message. Vain hope, and reminiscent of past periods when bad had happened the same thing, but at least be around me served to calm down. The only thing, apart from walking for an hour, it was that I skipped breakfast and lunch, and dinner I ate a mozzarella and nothing else, I had the stomach closed, but my mother wanted me to take absolutely anything.
The study has gone very wrong. In addition to being indietrissimo are very demotivated, and for the fight with my father, who for the study itself. There are many things that I do not understand the mistake, I begin to think that it is a popular destination for me too ... boh. If other things were perhaps better able to study better, but I can not control them. The only thing I can do is to think only of myself, and that's it ... but at what price?
Goodnight all ...

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Thanks to friends who love touring Italy years ago I found this place outside world.
Created by human hands.
And today in this gray day, and what better way piovviginosa
to warm the heart, not looking at these pictures?
Via the record, via policy, via murder, via successes, by the cold and away the headache.

The place is the plain of Castelluccio di Norcia, in the park of the Sibillini Mountains, in Umbria.
It 's the place where lentils are grown.
The colors are data from yellow lentils, red poppies, the blue of cornflowers,
the purple sage and more.
The show deserves to be seen. The flowering season is from June to July.
photos I have taken from the internet, just type flowering Castelluccio and opens a colorful world.

Blog, Erection, Men Brazilian Wax

April 14, 2011: BICYCLES FIND

Back to the show
Bike Vintage Bicycle found, reached its fifth edition.
A wonderful opportunity to see up close the great nineteenth-wheelers, the Michaud, bicycles work, the two wheels of the samples Coppi and Bartali, and enjoy readings, performances, music, photos and movies.

Thursday, April 14, 2011, Corso Garibaldi 71, Milan. From noon to midnight.

Among the guests: Eugenio Galli, president and Marco Ciclobby Pastonesi, Gazzetta dello Sport.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dark Red Violet Colour

week over ...

... thank goodness. It 'been a week boring and pathetic. All studied well, except me. Those few who did not study came out, except me. Bah.
The good news is that I lost the pounds that I had taken two weeks ago, again at 66. I'd like to get to 60 before Easter, but it seems like a goal too. 6 kg in a month and a half is too much, but I would really like to lose at least 4. Well, not with words that get results, but just eating and doing exercise.
He's back, Today we met. I was pleased, but in recent days to feel he had become a mess ... but my good intentions of a couple of weeks ago did not go to hell, and I'm happy. We should see each other again tomorrow, I hope to maintain the diet and to be able to be calm.
Besides diet, tomorrow my plans include going to the post, go to the gym, study.
I just remembered having to prepare the pizza tomorrow night ... alas, I hope to be able to control it ... or change the program. In case I had to prepare, I would do with the my little dough, half portion of mozzarella and a lot of vegetables on it. By day, I would avoid the carbs ... problem is that after the gym I am always hungry absurd, so I have to make up un'insalatona with tomato and lettuce. Somehow I will ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Where to go

Sometimes with so many places to choose from and little time you can not decide where to go
I'm thinking of those Sundays this summer, when you have to escape the frenzy
from your everyday life.
could feel the call of nature, the desire to not know what to look for.
Your garden teeming with life, smells and colors at that time was not enough.
You have to go.
But where?
Getting up very early you could go for a walk to the sea but already
just the beginning, such as lizards, the entire "world" goes to sea.
Too many people!
want an intimate place.
A place where, if there was not a living soul, it would be wonderful.
Then a nice hike in the hills to look for wildflowers in the meadows abandoned.
But as others have had the same idea?
But everyone goes everywhere?
respite did not have anyone?
Meanwhile a petal path and stroke, rub a sage leaf to feel
perfume, a cobweb entangled me hair, a cat rubs me the legs.
are relaxed.
But what I'm going to try!
I'm in heaven and I do not even realize.

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A tribute to those questions

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remember when I was a child my mother bred chickens and rabbits.
She was so proud of her animals that grow up healthy and strong.
remember those who gave birth in 10/12 rabbits bunnies hairy.
They had these big pink ears inside.
Then reached the weight of their fate was sealed.
Rabbit cooked.
And I like it!
do not know when I started to associate that piece of meat that was inforchettando with fur and long ears pink.
The worm had begun his work.
The final straw came when he heard the screams of the pig that was slaughtered.
I never connected that those were the crackling crisp result of those cries.
I stopped eating meat.
No I'm not a vegetarian, I simply stopped eating meat.
being vegetarian is more complex and demanding, the fact remains that when I say that I do not eat meat look like a Martian.
So what are you eating? It 's the common question! Only salad?
I eat once a year or two fish.
are not yet succeeded in wriggling from such commitments, even if always remember the phrase
not remember who wrote that "if the fish had the voice, when downloading networks
on fishing boats resonate screams of pain. "
But will what does in this speech?
What I can not understand about myself is the fact that so intransigent in not wanting to eat meat but not so in trying to lose my excess weight (much in excess).
In my mind I'm just not the animal that I should eat? ; ; It 'clear that I love the most that they myself.
But this reluctance is due, as I said to someone, the fact that I do not eat meat?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Educomunicar para la convivencia en la Ciudadanía Social Democratic

"... an education for democracy
is training students

to transform social relations " [1]

Claudio Arévalos Colonel

Under the Paraguayan Bicentennial Project (1811-2011) "Good Christian / Honored Citizen", we propose, Salesian educators reflect on education for citizenship in democratic life everyday [2] way to "raise awareness and commitment to an active and critical citizenship in all sectors of our educational communities." [3] For clear understanding, first of all, we must first define conceptually what we mean by "citizenship" and then, see how it fits the theme with the ideal of democratic life in the school learning environment.

For citizenship in the Greek conception, the term "participation" in public affairs of a "polis" (city), while for the Roman mentality, means the possession of a "rights and duties" to be guaranteed to members of a community. Thus, citizenship is the social relation that links together the members of a community that is manifested through participation in common affairs and membership of a particular community, where individuals have a number rights and duties that must be respected. Citizen is one / the one who is recognized September rights and duties that must be protected and guaranteed equal status, equal treatment, opportunity, participation and access to cultural, educational, economic social, political, etc.

We can say that education for citizenship aims to build social networks of participation, involvement, joint action and democratic coexistence. From this proposition we can draw some questions that will help us shape and substance to our discussion: What is the model of education / communication that encourages the exercise of active citizenship? What model of citizen we are committed to build? How democratic life is embodied in the school learning environment? How the school can promote accountability and active participation of students as effective preparation for citizen participation?
purpose of education and citizenship

citizenship education should train students to become competent citizens for human relations and responsible participation in building a democratic society, justice and solidarity, ie, it must ensure September knowledge, skills, values \u200b\u200band attitudes necessary for them to get involved and participate, civic-minded community, in an open, pluralistic and egalitarian. In this context, it must ask about the "role" to be played the school and teachers, training of young citizens, from the work they do in the classroom. Education "in" and "to" citizenship "in" and "from" the school educational environment, due mainly aim, first, the acquisition of social and personal skills necessary to participate actively in democratic life society, and moreover, reinforce social cohesion, sense of belonging to the local community, national, global / local.

dialogic education as a laboratory of democratic life

We know that education is the best instrument for promoting democratic habits among the citizens, but not all educational models facilitate the achievement of this objective because the education system itself may be instrument coercive interest in the service of political, ideological and economic, to maintain the status quo . An education that privileges the participatory process (not the contents or the results), authentic dialogue, [4] the meeting, interpersonal understanding, the inter-relationship and interaction, free self-expression personnel, cooperation and collaboration in synergy, it becomes optimal "training laboratory for democratic life."

educommunication, eminently plural socio proposal, process and discourse, the new educational paradigm is best suited to promote active citizenship, as it encourages, active listening, assertive relationship calm and emotionally mature, exercise of dialogue for understanding and acceptance of others, consideration of the student as an active partner, the experience of learning as a process of social construction or an inter-cooperative learning and use of new technologies such as cultural mediation for the construction of self , knowledge and personal expression.

active citizens, effective and accountable

A living school is one that educates citizens in the "participatory dialogue," not only "instructs students," but "as citizens" to a particular model of democratic, pluralistic and participatory. Clearly, therefore, that our practices and learning experiences must be democratic, respects diversity and essentially participatory. The methodology active, constructive and cooperative in the process of learning, support participatory epistemological Educommunication in the classroom, and that favors the construction of a relational identity. An active citizen, effective and accountable only arise in a relational context of reciprocity and participatory communication.

The practice of participatory communication in the classroom

When we talk of active citizenship must not limit it only to exercise the act of voting, this would be a way "Minimal" [5] to exercise citizenship. Active citizenship is embodied in participatory communication. Participation, and is a basic democratic right, is a fundamental human need and as such can not be regarded as marginal in the educational experience. Participatory communication is embodied in the dialogue, which is not reduced to "mere conversation," but primarily "means to place instead of another to understand their point of view, respect the opinions of others, accept the victory of the majority, communicate experiences, to share available information, tolerate lengthy discussions to reach an agreement satisfactory to all. " [6] When we speak of democracy in educational institutions we are referring specifically to freedom of expression, respect for the identity of others, making decisions collectively and consensus, respect and practice living standards governing social life, etc.

; For citizenship learning in the classroom

To educommunicative "in" and "for" active citizenship in democratic life "in" and "from" the school learning environment: " It is necessary to democratize the processes of communication present in the educational work with the firm intention to promote participation as a way always real and possible to create a communion of free and responsible persons " [7] . To improve educommunicative our practices in the school environment reflect on the following points:

1 - "I favor in the process of learning the expressive competence of students? Since citizenship is the right and the ability to say what one thinks and feels, or rather are normally represses the divergent thought and opinion?
2 - Is the methodology normally used in the learning process, promotes dialogue, active, creative and critical of the students, and I work only to transfer information way unidirectional or vertical?
3 - In my teaching practice invest more time in the transfer of content and information in the search for immediate results or give importance to the discussion process, confrontation, search consensus and shared decision making and business?

values \u200b\u200beducation and citizenship

A school "in" and "to" active citizenship, effective and responsible participation in democratic life should promote:
- prominence, participation and interaction in the learning process.
- Integration of linear thinking with intelligence distributed, shared, relational, social, emotional, creative, connective and hypertext.
- Freedom of expression of thought, opinion, sentiment and emotion.
- sense of belonging, constructive cooperation and local establishment.

[1] Escámez J.-R. Gil (2002) , citizenship education , Madrid, CCS-ICCE, p. 24
[2] Education for citizenship in the school educational environment can be addressed from three perspectives, as' matter itself, integrated into the curriculum or as a transversal element "( Bisquerra R. (2008) , Education for Citizenship and Coexistence , Madrid, W. Kluwer, p. 38). I identify with the third paradigm.
[3] Bicentennial Project (2011) , good Christians and honest citizens , Paraguay, ESP, p. 7.
[4] P. Freire (2004), Education as practice of freedom , Argentina, Siglo XXI, p. 85.
[5] The "minimum citizenship applies to legal citizens vote in local and national elections" ( Soriano E. (2008) , Educating for democratic citizenship and intercultural , Madrid, La Muralla, p. 122).
[6] J. Bordenave (1985) , Participation and Partnership , Buenos Aires, Search, p. 47
[7] Cuevas S ., Salesians: Communication and Education , Madrid, CCS, 1989 34.

Where Are My Costumes Saved Lbp


Good morning to all.
diet these days is a good, basic'm not overdriven even though maybe I should decrease a bit 'calories since I'm not going to the gym.
continues to delay the gym and out with friends. Today, however, finally went out with my sister in the morning, afternoon and meet a friend, I want to see it so much I promised myself to not cancel the meeting.
This morning I ate bread for breakfast, I should not: (It was planned two yogurt and biscuits, but when I came back I was too hungry. Decrease your carbohydrates throughout the day, fortunately, the breakfast is disposed of immediately. Today I will eat 30 grams of rice with vegetables and tomato salad dressed with vinegar and a little salt, a yogurt snack, dinner hamburger and vegetables au gratin very light. I think I will do another walk in the afternoon, if I could do a little ' an exercise bike would be great:)
I'm going to study, I wish you a good day:)

Monday, February 21, 2011

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This Monday was not so bad. I have eaten vegetables in broth and 40 grams of pasta topped with a teaspoon of oil to a yogurt snack, dinner tomato soup (it's simple and low-calorie) and vegetables with slices (without oil and bread).
I had to go to a pizzeria, but I jumped, it is not a bad thing because I was able to move forward without sgarra for another day. I do not know if the pizza I'll eat tomorrow or another day, depending on when he will return, but this will do it at home so no oil, just mix a little cheese and grilled vegetables to put on. However, for today I do not think it will do nothing and then eat a cookie and milk for breakfast, rice (40 grams) with vegetables for lunch, a fruit snack, vegetable burgers and salad for dinner (I have to take iron and protein but eat red meat every two days I do not like) should they return to Him, dinner make pizza at home, with large increase of calories, but avoid carbohydrates at lunch (and then only vegetables) and carbohydrates from the menu on Wednesday.

The study was pretty well, so I can be satisfied even though I still very much to do.
Today I had to see me with my friend in the afternoon and another in the evening, but ultimately not gone, I do not feel comfortable thinking about having to leave. These days are so unfortunately, I do not like to go out and see me with people I do not know why and I sincerely hope I throw a bad feeling because we have already passed some time ago and I do not want caderci again.
Later I see myself with one of my girlfriends this afternoon. I do not want to jump out this time is not right either because I do not feel like the last moment, and then why to bother to go out is not really something I like.
Now I wish you a good night:)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Erection, Brazilian Wax


Ce I almost did today. Ok lunch, dinner ok, I had to take at least a taste of cake because they wanted a way I see it, and got a glass of limoncello, but for dinner I did not quite bread (hamburger and grilled cherry tomatoes with a teaspoon of vinegar) In the afternoon I took a walk unexpectedly.
Now I'm hungry, famissima. And I feel at ease with myself. Obviously, that piece of cake has already been disposed of, and is a great thing.
For the rest I have not finished a lot, Ugh. Tomorrow (actually later) I will try to turn them over, I must finish the job, I'm sending back all the time. For dinner I eat at a pizzeria, and there succeeds a big hysterical. In a day, eat only vegetables, and get some tea and herbal tea very much, apart from this Tuesday morning gym and limited food to digest. Should I do it.
In the afternoon I saw an old friend and I had great fun, the evening birthday went well, although at times I wanted to be at home under the covers. I do not like this, I will not be sociofobica also because I was with my friends. Mah
resolutions for the new week? Study, limited food, lots of physical activity and active social life.

PS to my readers, sorry if I went by your blog, I will later:)

Pr Oxy School Un Blocker


INDECENT: is that the minimum wage of a worker is of Gs.1.508.000 and a Congressman Gs. Gs may reach 33,996,000. 38,500,000 increments with different self-assigned.

INDECENT: is that a teacher, a teacher, university professor or a Public Health surgeon earn less than the council of a municipality in third.

INDECENT, is that "people's representatives" will increase their salaries by the percentage they decide at the beginning of each term.

INDECENT: is that an ordinary citizen has to contribute 35 years and be 62 to retire and Members will suffice just seven years of contributions. And government members, to collect the maximum retirement, need only swear to the office.

INDECENT: Congress is that workers are the only (?) In this country that are exempt from taxation third of his salary.

INDECENT: Body is placed on the thousands of "advisers" and "Substitute" (read cronies would like to wages and more skilled technicians.)

INDECENT: millionaire sums are intended to support the parties, approved by the same politicians who depend on them.

INDECENT: is that a politician is not required to pass a minimum fitness test to hold office (or cultural, or intellectual). Just enough to be in the Majority Caucus and sponsored by dirty money!

INDECENT: the cost to citizens their living expenses, travel (always in first class), meals, communications, bodyguards, bodyguards, cars (armored) latest model, credit cards etc. etc. and denied the working class a minimum wage that enables them to live in dignity.

INDECENT always "their lordships" are six months of vacation a year.

INDECENT, is that ministers, secretaries of state and other senior political characters when stop, are the only citizens of this country that can legally receive two salaries from the Treasury.

INDECENT: is that the money from royalties, allocated to regional development and promotion of projects aimed at the poor fellow was left in the hands of Governors and mayors and all the hardcore around them.
And always will until you change the National Constitution. But ... Who will change? Themselves? Never! Impossible if we keep voting for them, allowing them to form the parliamentary majority and get the other elective offices.


WE CAN ONLY remedy to these aberrations.


At stake is our future and our children. As concerned citizens and participatory: indignémonos injustices, demanding, condemning and standing up for our rights, to all the injustices, corruption and prebendarismo.

more just and caring society: No citizens and citizens FIRST OF FIVE!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

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pleasant tiredness.

Today was a pretty hectic day ... I've been out all day and now I'm tired miraculously.
I studied a bit 'and walked a bit', and ate little. I'm quite satisfied, and I hope I can be just as productive on Sunday, even a bit 'more species in the study. I'll be up soon and I will try to attend to a work that should be delivered soon. I
in anticipation of feeding activity: as tea, water, tea, glass of milk and a biscuit for breakfast, vegetables stuffed with vegetables and a half slices bake for lunch, grilled burgers (home made) and grilled zucchini for dinner. In the evening I go out for a birthday but it is an after-dinner, and there will be only the cake, if I could avoid it would be great. At best, pretend to eat it and spiaccicherò on the saucer. For sparkling wine, pretend to drink it. And 'the cake that bothers me ... I can not eat it? It 's too early for rewards. I'll eat pizza on Monday night, that means almost everything to fast on Mondays and most on Tuesday. I promise to myself (and my readers: D) that tomorrow will not touch that cake or any other goodies in front of me.
I finish drinking my tea and go to bed ... Night!

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Today there are nearly succeeded. 2 and a half liters of water, 2 hours in the gym, 1 hour walk. With the calories I went a bit 'over, about 200, will mean that subtract the calories tomorrow. I have to provide you with abundant salad of lettuce and tomato in the days of the gym because I was a hungry beast.
Tonight was very difficult. The sandwich was not great and fortunately There were a lot of vegetables in the middle, but unfortunately I ate half portion of chips (it was not great so I figured 400 calories a serving full, 200 half-my, are those excess calories today.)
... Tomorrow I will walk about an hour, but I wish I could do some physical activity. Unfortunately I think I'll be out all day then I will have no way of making bikes and dance, phew. A breakfast drink much tea, and get some milk, and vegetables for lunch I think an apple, a Coke Zero as a snack, dinner cooked vegetables with many little pasta and raw vegetables to eat as a snack, fortunately my friend is on a diet so do not There is no danger of finding dips home.
unfortunately ... I studied very little sleep the night and day I get up early, except I could not concentrate, I will sleep in the afternoon. I hate not having the right pace. I have noticed the huge gaps in my preparation, I think unfortunately the sin of pride to have some more knowledge as I studied and read a lot, but I have some terrible deficiencies in some areas and I have to fill them if I want to make it pass the tests . I feel so miserable. I have to study. I MUST do it.
Also ... I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT. I DO WORK 'PHYSICS. ALL I HAVE TO DRINK. I HAVE loved me and treated well.
I must resist ...

Mount And Blade 1.003 Hile


During the summer of my fourteen years did babysitting the child of a cousin of mine.
My cousin lived in the city.
Monday morning I took the bus and I moved to her and came home on Saturday.
To me that I was "naive" personified all that summer was a revelation.
For this help I gave her my 'argent de poche. "
is clearly a part of me I spent for my drugs.
"novels Liala.
A 'apotheosis, officers left and right, the Ulderico, the Desiree, the Dianora abounded.
A world of dreams and happy endings.
My heart melted adolescent romantic feelings in this sea of \u200b\u200bsugar.
For many years I have held this collection of books crammed behind other books in the library after today, then one day the space continued to decline and I decided to get rid of it.
freely, not meant to throw them in the paper for recycling.
Never throw a book in the world.
Who could I give? Liala was now outmoded and no longer the law.
so I called the prison of my province wondering if there was a female ward who
might be interested in receiving the books.
The gentleman I spoke with asked me what kind it was because they had school books in quantity and those were not interested.
I naively declared that it was books "escapist."
Thank goodness that my interlocutor was a spiritual person.
There are over.
do not know if you have read or been inside the boxes with which I brought them.
I like to think that someone has browsed for a while and managed to get rid
from discomfort and pain.

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When I read other blogs (eg Iris and dragonflies, summer Magic)
discouraged me a little 'in front of so many cultures.
I understand to be a very ignorant.
was young I was very curious to know, learn, learn, discuss,
now it looks like a big spider web over the years has fallen on my mind.
A web that slowly out of sight and blocking off the interest.
I realize that this is a speech and I am depressed, but not all.
The fact is that with the passage of time changes the scale of interest.
I've always loved reading children's books.
In my house there was a culture of paper, economic difficulties obscured
voluttuale be desired. And the books were part of those desires. When
for my first communion I received as a gift a book of fairy tales illustrated
I cried, I had never seen and were stories that I had never heard.
Snow White, Cinderella, Tom Thumb ... .. what a world!
Years later, this love has not yet been blocked by spider web.
There are children's books that make me laugh, make me cry, my eyes brighten
with their wonderful illustrations.
In some books the words are superfluous. A whole world appears before you with only the images.
One of these books is called 'The Wave' by Suzy Lee.

They say getting old is a child again ... .... What is true?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hot Bady Builder Woman


Today went quite well:)
I respected the diet (low carbohydrate, more protein and lots of vegetables) and I finally started studying so I say seriously, but decent. Three hours straight in front of books with good concentration, I'd say I can not complain.
Later I do a lot of things, including going to the post office, shopping, going to the gym, cooking, studying, attention to diet, go to a night in which he plays a guy I know. The menu today includes fruit juice, lentils, tea and tea time, an apple ... and then boh. Not I want to eat outside the home. I'm terrified of what I could swallow. Kebab? 1000 calories. Chinese? Also, since I can not take just a soup and the second. Mac? 1200. Pizza? Same. Horse meat sandwich or hamburger? 700. If I have to eat out just take a sandwich with grilled vegetables (400 calories most, are many but I will try to make eating a lot 'to him) that I took in that space last year, and a Coke Zero. I'm with him enormously and I'm ashamed to drink that stuff in front of other people but I need to fill your stomach.
In truth I did not really want to leave the house at this time ... but I am forced to do so. I know that if I allow myself to defeat dall'agorafobia and apathy will come to feel bad as before and to have the fear of anything, and then force me to go out, see people, and also to meet new people. I have a hard time this last thing, but in a way it's liberating, because the new people it is easier to self-invent the way you want to be. For example I am fearful and pessimistic, yet the people I have known for a year now, especially the latest, see me as someone strong, positive, strong. And give this image of me helps me to be, at least, it makes me strive to be.
Have a good night:)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Alexia Teexas Black Guys

disgusting ... Reflections

I really suck.
I was playing very well today. Green tea, gym, 1 liter and a half of water drained before lunch, whole wheat pasta with vegetables ... then started the spiluccamento. A forkful of cake. A small sandwich. Another half a roll. For dinner, a whole sandwich, salad, half portion of chips. I suck.
are disgusting. I have hips swaying as lard is over, my legs tremble at every step. How dare I leave the house in jeans and sweaters? Should I use a burqa. I'm not even managed to throw up, I had too little time and now my father is around. Bah.
Tomorrow I do not think I can go to the gym but I will try to dispose of an hour and a half of exercise bike and a little 'dance. I will eat little, especially carbohydrates. Welcome vegetables, fortunately I like a lot.
I do not want to fill my body with carbohydrates and fats, cursed me and my passion. I do not hate the food. Hate me because I can not control. I do not want to stop eating. I just want to eat the right way and do not overdo it. I want to lose those 15 pounds more I find myself, I lost 4 and have a few, I have to resist more important to the perspective that I can not control myself from food.
You can not lose control for a fucking pizza, for a damn sandwich the burger to a cake. Why I do not take only half a pizza, just a sandwich, just a slice of cake. No, I have an obsession with food. This is not love the food. E 'be adversely affected. Basta. I want my stomach shrinks. I have less hunger. I want to be able to control my attacks. I want to let off steam with something else rather than on food.
begins on the first day of diet as a diet that is designed as a scheme MENTAL.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cb Linear Amp Schematics

Today there are nearly succeeded.
I almost did well ... speaking of diet.
for everything else but nothing has gone well. I have not studied. I have not been to the gym. I showed again the weak side of my character, that of the princess who needs attention and care. I hate when they are so. I want to be independent, I want my emotions are my own and nothing else, I worry about me, what I feel, what you want. I do not want to continue to be the slave of my feelings. I want to be detached, cold. I'm sick almost every day to my way of being, are heavy, obsessive, suffocating. Basta. I do not want to panic every argument, depend on his caresses, to be restless when we're not together, to be down for his mood swings, despair if there is something wrong ... not good. I want to be cool. He is with me as well. And instead of despair, perhaps I should come back down to earth and do it myself.

I feel like a monster today. Clumsy, awkward, fat, ugly. I want to be beautiful, elegant, sensual and confident. I have to commit ... do it ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Much Of Hell's Kitchen Is Staged


Today was Valentine's ... me and him we had together, and oddly it was a wonderful day, quiet and serene. We spent days of tension, where each day We did not say nice things, and when it happens I remain stiff for days until I calm down. On time then when I relax, something happens. So I enjoyed this fantastic day without traveling too much with the mind ... I'm finally able to understand (maybe I'll talk in more detail later).
Apart from this, today I bought a dress. Red. It 'a few months ago I decided to change style, because there I find myself in my more. I'll have over your eyes to encourage us to improve ... it is so different from the kind of dress I wear usually symbolizes a real change, put to me would mean to feel at comfortable with myself, not feel the gaze of others as suspects.

Speaking of diet today ... I ate a little longer than expected, but I went to the gym, and to curb the calories in most of today I will go tomorrow. I hope to be productive this week.
Night ...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Free Online Letters To Penthouse


'm starting a new blog after centuries of silence. So far I have always been in touch with friends through virtual diaries, but this time I will not. This must be one of my corner and I do not want they explore it. There are sides of me that is sometimes easier to show a stranger that a person who knows us ... and maybe even ashamed to show it ... or do not want to give explanations.
What can I say ... I have a strong desire to vent, let me in, to express what I have in my head. They often follow a few blogs, including those relating Ana, curiosity, and sometimes, if I have to be sincere, to find support. I am not Pro Ana, but I have a strange relationship with food. Having studied psychology are aware that this is just the tip of the iceberg, because it is a symptom of a bad relationship with myself, which leads me to see me like that. In essence, is not the body to be covered with fat, but my mind to be full of paranoia and problems. In fact it is true because I have only problems with food, but with a lot of other things. I suffered from depression in the past, and sometimes we fall back again, I have some behind suicide attempts in recent months and the total apathy. For some 'time in this part, I decided to change, to stop depending on others and be more engaged, active, positive, but it is not an easy thing.
What else to say. .. study, are engaged to a guy I love but which is not always all roses (we say that I should learn to be more autonomous and appreciate my life as an individual and not as one with him, which is much more independent and a little more careless of me), I have friends that I care a lot but I can not speak with all different interests. .. are shy, a little 'paranoid, generous, love to learn ... trend is bad and I'm afraid of challenges or new situations, but I am forced to change. For example now I can make friends more easily than before, and about the study I decided to tackle a difficult task.

And now we come to the body. I've always had problems with food, maybe I will talk about later in detail, but suffice it to say that 1.65 is high and weighing 66 kg. Until two months ago he weighed 70 but I decided to take the diet and the gym. The results show us, but at what price? Tremendous effort because I can not control, generally. If I see something I like, I suffer as long as I can not eat it. S useless to eat it, the worse ingurgito pigs. If I propose a pizza, a plate of lasagna, a good risotto, the rustic, is not that I take a little bit. No, I have to finish everything, maybe even a double portion. And that makes me angry because I can not control and the only way not to feel guilty after you vomit. I know it hurts and it is wrong, but I can not help it. Also because I do not diet for one week and then once Sgarro; there ice cream or orange-I can understand why they do not harm. The problem is that one evening is that, after lunch, lasagna, pizza for dinner ... and so the week of diet goes to hell. And 'I hate that.
The last two weeks I ate as a pig fattening, this week I would like to get in line, especially mentally. Fitness, diet, study, field trips, outings with friends.
tomorrow, unfortunately, the diet will be severely tested. E 'Valentine's Day dinners and calorie are romantic. Can I make salad for lunch, but dinner will be very difficult, uff: (can fill with Coke Zero and take a little of everything. I do not want to diet by 400 calories, as I said are not enough good Pro Ana and I know the rules of 'power to determine what is best for a steady weight loss and long-lasting, but not even swallow 2000 calories is the best idea to lose weight.
Well, what else to say ... I am filled with deep thoughts ( at least for me: D) at this time but I think I would be a bit 'sad to write, and then to read next time: P I hope to live up to the weekly goals, maybe later li approfondirò di più.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Manual For Vitamix 3600


I do not have, of course. Two goals
I date, only two: stop smoking and lose a few pounds.
Even just the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing these two things together is unhealthy, but how can you stop smoking and do not fall back on food or, conversely, remove culinary whims of unspeakable delight and not to download with cigarettes, the resulting neurosis?
I do not know the answer! But I know for sure that my nerves and my firm belief in strict achieve these goals have led me to smoke twice and swallow the implausible. Obviously, my self-esteem affects peak depth such as to arouse the envy of Pelizzari. What
me angry is that two weeks I plan lunch and dinner according to the contribution Nurit substances, trawled the internet all the health conscious, healthy recipes, buy pounds and pounds of cereals, soups and seeds, I constantly search for any way to stop smoking around pharmacies, herbalist's shops and libraries. Almost as if I was doing it for real. And believe it! Then I open my package and I see that I have seven cigarettes .. Panic! Enough for tonight? You better have to buy another, you never know. Then step away from the supermarket to buy coffee and I know that I need to move one lane to find them. I do not even pretend to have doubt. Vado. Determined. I have already extended his hand. E 'for a while and have already planed on the sofa with cigarette and ashtray on my left and M & M's and the ginger my right. The apotheosis.
We hope that at least on television do not speak to your health!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cubefield Ultrasonic Level

The community as a path to the meeting of communion

Per vivere a community progetto ci vuole arrest him, prima di tutto, eat a "progetto" EEOC, come qualcosa che if will giorno dopo giorno e costruendo per We also want to do this, forward to the encounter of communion. The community life is thus to walk in discernment to the meeting of communion.

What is a meeting of communion?

To answer this question we must first clarify what we mean by communion ? It is not the "merger" in one of two in order to get rid of the differences. If the differences disappear, disappears if the conflict is a sign that one has managed to impose itself on the other. The fellowship is credible only when it includes a certain level of conflict and can live with that. Every defense of the communion that does not integrate the conflict is ideological, and therefore hide some form of manipulation.

Communion is not even identify with the other to the point of causing a shadow of loneliness a discrepancy, of neglect or indifference. The community is neither his girlfriend, lover, or the bride. The desire to be a dream that blooms continuously in the human heart by which we are awakened by the inevitable rifts in our relationships with others. The Promised Land communion is not conquered if not proceeding in this thorny desert conflict .

Communion is rather that meeting that occurs when two people come into line with underlying emotional and existential levels . The common-union takes place in that center staff that defines us and makes us in a radical way and that, therefore, has the power to relativize our differences, although it does not cancel it altogether. Until it reaches the meeting of communion, the person should come out by itself, distracting attention from their own narcissism and coincides with some of his more interesting vital. When two people are no longer focused on himself to focus on God, open up unexpected opportunities for meeting and cohesion, capable of saving the greatest differences. Sharing God's call does not eliminate the differences in character and taste, sensitivity ... neither the differences between the ways of understanding that God But God has the power to give us progressively closer cohesion and love of love, despite our differences in sensitivity, culture, ideas ... until we come to accept and love one another sincerely in the difference.

Communion is growing at a dialectical between the poles of autonomy / interdependence . The size and at the same time, the difficulty of the Christian and religious communities is that the defense of plurality and diversity is as important as the affirmation of the communion (1 Cor. 12, 4-11).

There is no community or communion without recognition of differences . The conditions for a true communion are the 'authenticity each to its own truth, communication of his inner life, the than identity theft and tune in vital interests. Communion can never be imposed from outside. It flourishes when everyone participates in a clean manner, and starts, in authenticity of vocation, to the encounter of the other.

The best of me does not occur to me or you, but in that space we create , you and I, when we build communion together by discernment (not imposing) towards our common vital interests. In the words of Martin Buber, the essence of life does not happen to me or you, but in the space that we are able to create between us when we live in relationships.

The spirit is not in the ego, but between you and me. It's not like the blood that circulates in you, but as the air we breathe [...] Only because of his power to relate, the man is capable of living in the spirit (Buber, 2004, p. 77).

In this journey toward communion not go forward without giving the best of themselves and sharing levels of your inner self, how to reconcile the strained condition of human existence shared bipolarity. You can create communion only if you share the inner life.

So teach us to:

- live more "for others" and " for us, "
- bring the dialectic between the personal aspect and the Community,
- live autonomy experience of belonging as something culminating
- gain more freedom and love of dealing with conflict, thus enhancing the growth of the fraternity
- accepting the differences as something constituting life in every community
- accept them as they are and give him time in which to grow up in freedom
- to discover that everyone can be a cause of happiness or of suffering for their brothers, and that this in part depends on him.

Personal growth is to awaken the inner processes of transformation, from the need to be heard and their motivations (customization). Every believer customization process must be developed to the encounter of communion with another, toward integration into a concrete community and to the sense of belonging. Who does not advance towards greater integration and towards a greater sense of belonging, does not advance the personalization process. Those who socializes too much within the group risks losing its identity and independence.

Love, which customizes what is more, is an encounter with the other free.

bibliographical references

Buber M. (2004), The dialogical principle and Other Essays , Milan, San Paolo.
Buber M. (2005), Tu y Yo , Madrid, Caparros.
Ilarduia JP (2007), The community project. Way Meeting and communion , Bologna, EDB.