Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What To Write To A Confirmation Daughter


From the window of my job I see the road.
It 's a tree-lined street on both sides.
summer along it means making hundreds of meters under an arch of branches and leaves that
join on either side of the road.
a green tunnel where rays of the sun trying to switch between the dense foliage.
who is lucky enough to go walking in this street is a pleasant shade.
do not know what plants are, will be about twenty years. They grew quickly.
Through their color I see the changing seasons.
In summer it is a riot of green, then goes slowly to brown and then fall all the leaves.
In winter you can see silhouettes of skeletal branches projected into the sky or crossed and hugged
with each other.
On highest peaks are rare birds' nests. Perhaps those are of magpies.
With their black and white livery flying over the sky.
The heavy snow that fell last week broke, cut, mutilated, beheaded
all these trees.
branches with a diameter of 15.20, 25 cm. and over have fallen in the street or hanging
sad with a strip of bark still attached to the trunk.
A 'apocalypse.
Then the snow began slowly to melt and then look here like bees industrious men equipped with scissors, pruning shears, chain saws. All cut, cut and stack firewood.
And so to load trucks, bins, auto. Everyone takes home their nest egg.
How I wanted to be myself, be able to bring home the wood to mature
for my stove.

This is the other side of the coin. On the positive side after the disaster.


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