Sunday, March 6, 2011



Good Sunday to all:)
Today is a bit 'better. The diet continues even though the road is full of temptations ... I'm back in the gym Thursday, it was difficult and I did not even throughout the workout, an hour and a half instead of two hours, and I did the same Friday. Yesterday I walked for an hour and a half, now I do not think I'll move a lot. I'd like to add another discipline in the gym, is called total body work out, is the evening three times a week, but I do not know if I'm ready for a lesson in a group with other people, I'm afraid to suck: (I'll try to talk with the secretaries of the gym, maybe they can give me advice.
For the rest, I studied very little. Not good, I know, but I can not be settled and focused. There's my half future, these tests are critical and if you do not pass do not know what to do in the coming years of my life, but still can not come true from the perspective of the study.
In him everything OK, aside from the fact that at this time I feel uneasy. Luckily I can vent with my friends then he is quite immune to it, although occasionally, when they are particularly anxious, I start making a fuss about everything. I have to avoid.
I'm going to study: P Have a nice day:)


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