Friday, March 4, 2011

Antibiotics Worse Toothache

I woke up to the "silence".
I did not hear a car pass, I did not feel hungry cats meow, I felt
church bells.
But the light filtering through the tax side by side.
I looked at the clock.
The 7.00.
What happened? I had fallen asleep with the rain!
I open the shutters and ... .. wonderful and terrible magic. The snow.

The weather on the Internet had given snow, but I did not think so many snow!
40 or maybe 50, in some places more than 60 cm. blanket of white.
But where is it the time when Baptists sang "March of the gardens are dressed in new colors ..."
If we can not stop someone or something that 'helps' to do so.
It 'great to be immersed in the icy whiteness.
me back to a size small to be lost in this great universe.
It makes me feel inside a cocoon waiting to be born to new life.
It makes me feel apart after that I shoveled and shoveled and shoveled without seeing any results.

It pains me when I saw trees broken, mutilated, cut, torn by the weight of snow.
makes me cry thinking of those with emergencies at home and has no electricity and telephone connected.
It makes me angry to see how we all mellowed and we are all in the service of "god money"
No longer does anything for nothing. Everyone shut up in its shell to defend his little world.
But where is the solidarity and brotherhood. We are all trapped in this vile gear that does not give us time to see beyond our nose?
What's sad to see the magic that will vanish ...


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