Sunday, March 6, 2011

Subaru 6.5 169cc Carburetor Kit

First of all a bit 'of civilization ...

I titled this article as well because I think sometimes we forget the human dimension of every human relationship and cohabitation. Not enough to be "good men" and "observing the law" if we are incapable of being civil and humane among us, putting the individual at the heart of social relations, and so cultivate a genuine and authentic humanity.

These days we are witnessing what is happening almost all over the world, to name only two cases in Egypt with his President dictator Mu Ammad h Osni Sayyid Ibrahim Mubarak recently chased away after 30 years in government (1981-2011), as well as in Libya, which until now President Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi clinging in power since 1969, ie, more than 40 years, which until now has defended his dictatorial system of government by force of threat, death and repression.

Faced with these matters, I wonder how we are reacting in our civil life of people, Christian, religious and Salesian. We comply only to make some little prayer to raise our consciousness? It should not force us to reflect on our system or manage a community (the crowd) or a group of people? How is our relationship to another, meeting or confrontation? Threats or defense? Of fear or insecurity?

I think there are two things to keep in mind at least, on the one hand, be aware of the great cultural changes and, secondly, to live a relational paradigm and communicative just-in-time : report of culture and communication in the network society .

The world is passing through a large cultural change

understand, accept and be aware that the world is changing ... today more than ever is becoming a paradigm where the centrality of cultural 'Other than me now is an existential situation that we integrate into our way of being, to live and act in our human society. Cultural diversity is not a defect in the archipelago of society, but a richness and a condition sine qua non for the creation of human beings.

Can I be myself in the measure that established a relationship with another different from me. The more different from me is not a threat to my being but it is a condition of possibility of my relational identity. If you are unable to enter into a relationship with another is not a problem but the other is the assurance of my insecurity about myself.

Living the relational paradigm and communicative just-in-time

We are immersed in the company network (network society ) And then there are obsolete form of management and communication (communication type top-down) in the management of people, institutions and personal life itself. If there is something urgent in our lives and relationships in our social life is the need to create a welcoming, able to support the growth of cooperation and solidarity, social and emotional intelligence.

Today we have become more aware of the need to create in our social life a warm emotional environment to facilitate the sharing and mutual respect. The positive communication and authentic style assertive in interpersonal relationships must be the soul of community life. In order to give vitality to the soul and social life must be present sensitivity, respect and empathy, the ability to interact with others, to listen to another person, to put yourself in his shoes, to express their feelings accurately, collaborate and to communicate positive, transparent and sincere.

Without interpersonal skills will not be able to collaborate on a joint , because we work together to learn and educate each other. "To teach it is necessary to educate and develop the ability to communicate in a positive way, even when faced with negative emotions of discomfort, uneasiness, rebellion, rejection. " [1] Only by living in this perspective we are working to improve a bit 'of civilization in human society.

Claudio Coronel Arevalos

[1] Polito M. (2008), positive communication and cooperative learning , Lavis (TN), Erickson, p. 11.


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