Friday, March 18, 2011

340s John Deere Snowmobile

SPRING?? I am here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Shoes For Step Aerobics 2010

I hate the mirrors ...

... and all the reflective surfaces.
I'm doing the diet, I'm not overdriven, I'm going to the gym regularly with a double workout, because I care ... so before you leave or when the street seems to be fatter than I was before starting the diet (almost 5 kg does) and always dressed like an old lady? Lardos see my thighs, my hips, a bad posture, with legs that tremble, their feet on their way, his hair disheveled, his face anonymous (and this is really bad because my face is the 'only part of my body that I like), the horrible clothes, my clothes are loose but I do look even fatter ...
Maybe they think they are cute, then I look at myself as I walk into a shop window, I see my huge thighs protruding from his jacket, and I feel like shit. E 'arrival two weeks constantly late for appointments because I change my clothes constantly, always at the last minute. I stopped wearing his leather jacket and my jacket-coat because they leave the flanks almost discovered, I'm using only the coat longer.
Starmie clothes seem all wrong, and I do hate all matches . Until now I always thought of dressing well enough, but my wardrobe at the moment I seem to contain only bad stuff and I is shit. Do you know those girls a bit 'dangling, walking hurt and so ugly, her hair limp and formless, with a color cod musty and badly dressed? Here, I feel so whenever I leave the house. I feel uneasy no matter what I wear.
Bah ... I think for a couple of weeks I'll look in the mirror more. Maybe after two weeks of dieting will start to see some improvement.
for Call and Sick86: tomorrow go on to visit your blog in the meantime I wish you a good night:)

Frustration Rummy Cards

Sample Wedding Welcome Bag

The inauguration of the study The study opens

Thanks to Alex for the photo shoot Factors

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sata To Usb Cable Radio Shack

study reopens after the winter break. You receive appointment via email. I wait, see you soon!

Blood Test Results Mpv Thrombocytopenia

Sunday of rain.

Good Sunday to all,
it rains here and everything is gray ... but not every cloud has a silver lining, I like this weather today.
So on Friday I made the second lesson, it was the turn of the Gag, destructive, but I did everything, and now the muscles are less sore. Step tomorrow, I hope to make it if I can do everything and to follow all the exercises, my self-esteem will really help.
The diet is so-so ... Friday night I ate too much. Instead of the calories of the meal (500, were already many and I could make a gourmet dinner), I have breached the 300: ( This sucks: (OK during the day I ate less, but I had no reason to do a dinner like that. Unfortunately, after the gym I had a tremendous hunger and I could not stop myself ... next time I better gear and let the dinner ready before going out, including huge salad to fill their stomachs.
Yesterday I came in calories provided, but I ate too much bread. Today I eat lots of vegetables and little carbohydrate to compensate. Moreover, since I have not studied that in the morning, I have to recover in the afternoon.
Tonight I go out and I do not want, but unfortunately I have ... patience.
Tomorrow is Monday ... I can not wait to resume the routine of the gym and studio, this time I do not like having too many empty hours.
Good day to all!

Friday, March 11, 2011

When I'm On My Period Why Does It Burn When I Pee

finally starts move.
Now I know where to go.
giardinicole Start the fair period, my passion.
I like to see the new plants, features, ideas and especially the people.
I hate that go to the market, because there's too many people, you can not
watch calmly the stalls, you can not pick up an object by looking
deserves to assess whether the expenditure behind you there is already someone who pursues "then the
take or not take it?", is full of knots of women who prate in profusion,
of small families with pushchairs, which impede the passage, a nightmare!
And I do I do?
tour the length and breadth of the displays of plants.
I organize myself to get there early, before they reach the hordes of people who just want
pass the time.
wants to enjoy the news calmly, the rare, no one can choose I
blow on the neck.
Review and greet the nursery.
With some of them I made a good relationship (do not know if it depends on purchases).
Step by another as a stand a 'mad bee.
I watch, scrutinize, ask, discuss, decide, decides, I look and I think about it, step over,
back on my feet I need? I do not need? I already know where to put it? or end up with
all other plants still awaiting placement? But if he finds it more?
turnabout! but someone stronger than I already bought that fabulous plan.
What rotten luck!
never have too many thoughts. Buy Now!
What drug that bedlam.
Roses, hydrangeas, pansies, orchids, cacti, scented shrubs, fruit trees,
houses for birds, hats adorned with flowers, candy colored tablecloths grandmother,
books on books, from the manure to make flowers, birds, tin, silk fluttering
giant water lilies, lemon gold, twisted vines., glossy magazines.
wheelbarrows full of swaying plants, hugs and chatter.
Money passes from hand to hand.
satisfied smile on both sides.
In this context, one thing must not be missed: THE SUN!
Heaven I'm tired just talking about it.
But I can not give up.
'll try to be prudent in spending, not make me take my hand,
because when you are there then we forget that much work is waiting for you at home.
I still have to prune the roses, clean the beds, sow annual burn the brushwood,
to the path of brick, terraced slope in the ground too, and fertilize?
not I can do.
But next Saturday I can not fail ... ... ..

I've already ordered a peony .............

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What To Buy 25 Year Old Brother

first lesson!

Hello all,
I take this opportunity to write on the blog in a break from studying mathematics.
Today I made a couple of Oretta, but is not much in the last few days I have been found many more years and I can do them even faster, maybe I'm taking her hand)
Yesterday I workout in fitness room in the morning, and in the evening I made my first lesson in body work out, it seems that three lessons a week, with a step, a fit of boxes and a GAG, yesterday was the day of the fit box, which I tried for the first time in my life. I felt like a sack of potatoes and after half an hour I was exhausted, then after they made us do various types of abdominal (6 types, 50 of each abdominal type). Tiring, after all. I managed to finish all the training, I did not have fared very well especially with the bag, but it was the first lesson, I do not think I could do better. More than anything else I need to improve the way they give their fists, because I laugh, and I have to move your legs better.
I feel much more uncomfortable, but I continued with training. The only thing that left me a bit 'down is that they are the fattest in the group. They are all skinny girls about 8 and a buxom, but just does not like me: (This serves as a spur me to do the diet, because here in a month I would like to attend those classes with at least 4 kg less. Yesterday and today I eating the right amount of protein and carbohydrates, without exceeding (I think I take too many carbohydrates normally) and I added the fruit instead, which I usually eat little. In short, they are demoralized by my weight, but spurred on to do the diet and achieve results in the gym. There's something positive:)
double training again tomorrow, perhaps with the best gags I will manage it, 4 years ago I made it for a while.
Yesterday was a good day, if in the evening, after class, I had not had a silly quarrel with him I was like shit because of something he said, and we started arguing. We are more or less at peace now, but the quarrels disturb me, especially when I have the impression that we do not understand at all. Mah gonfissima I also have the left hand because the nerves yesterday I got hit a wall.
back to study, good afternoon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What To Write To A Confirmation Daughter


From the window of my job I see the road.
It 's a tree-lined street on both sides.
summer along it means making hundreds of meters under an arch of branches and leaves that
join on either side of the road.
a green tunnel where rays of the sun trying to switch between the dense foliage.
who is lucky enough to go walking in this street is a pleasant shade.
do not know what plants are, will be about twenty years. They grew quickly.
Through their color I see the changing seasons.
In summer it is a riot of green, then goes slowly to brown and then fall all the leaves.
In winter you can see silhouettes of skeletal branches projected into the sky or crossed and hugged
with each other.
On highest peaks are rare birds' nests. Perhaps those are of magpies.
With their black and white livery flying over the sky.
The heavy snow that fell last week broke, cut, mutilated, beheaded
all these trees.
branches with a diameter of 15.20, 25 cm. and over have fallen in the street or hanging
sad with a strip of bark still attached to the trunk.
A 'apocalypse.
Then the snow began slowly to melt and then look here like bees industrious men equipped with scissors, pruning shears, chain saws. All cut, cut and stack firewood.
And so to load trucks, bins, auto. Everyone takes home their nest egg.
How I wanted to be myself, be able to bring home the wood to mature
for my stove.

This is the other side of the coin. On the positive side after the disaster.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Masterbation Vid

Could I?

Tonight I went to the gym to watch the lesson TBWO does not seem difficult, but do not use the step choreography and intricate steps, the rest of the exercises are able to do it, I think: P Wednesday will make the first lesson, I gasatissima :)
Yesterday I ate as a pig, I was thinking of doing a dinner with a little pasta and a lot of vegetables but in the end I went out with him and some friends and we went to a pizzeria. The appetizer I enjoyed it, it was an incredible goodness, but the pizza seemed to me insipid. It 'something that has long been known, by now the pizza does not make me mad. Or rather, smell me through your mouth water, but no taste, even in those places where I know they make good. In any case, tasteless or not, I ate, and I have allowed even the cake. Taken by guilt (and acidity) at home I threw up, did not do it for a long time ... sigh. Today I tried to keep it as light, are easily managed, but the day I was sick, I was nauseated, and I skipped the gym. I will go tomorrow morning (actually today since it is past midnight).
I have not studied much, but the new day should be organized on Tuesday a bit 'better. I just hope I do not eat too much tomorrow night, but I do not think there are celebrations horizon. At all events, however, take milk for breakfast tomorrow and a spoon cereal, for lunch about 40 grams of pasta and a huge feast of zucchini and tomatoes, a snack of tea (stomach-mythical stage: D). For dinner, I hope to eat some type of protein and vegetables, without sgarra of various kinds ...

How To Install Cambell Snow Chains

Bicycles Rossignoli Garibaldi 71 stylish with FixDesign

Our bike ivory Garibaldi 71, a woman, in commercials for the spring / summer of 2011 FixDesign
Sightings in prime time on Italy 1 ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Subaru 6.5 169cc Carburetor Kit

First of all a bit 'of civilization ...

I titled this article as well because I think sometimes we forget the human dimension of every human relationship and cohabitation. Not enough to be "good men" and "observing the law" if we are incapable of being civil and humane among us, putting the individual at the heart of social relations, and so cultivate a genuine and authentic humanity.

These days we are witnessing what is happening almost all over the world, to name only two cases in Egypt with his President dictator Mu Ammad h Osni Sayyid Ibrahim Mubarak recently chased away after 30 years in government (1981-2011), as well as in Libya, which until now President Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi clinging in power since 1969, ie, more than 40 years, which until now has defended his dictatorial system of government by force of threat, death and repression.

Faced with these matters, I wonder how we are reacting in our civil life of people, Christian, religious and Salesian. We comply only to make some little prayer to raise our consciousness? It should not force us to reflect on our system or manage a community (the crowd) or a group of people? How is our relationship to another, meeting or confrontation? Threats or defense? Of fear or insecurity?

I think there are two things to keep in mind at least, on the one hand, be aware of the great cultural changes and, secondly, to live a relational paradigm and communicative just-in-time : report of culture and communication in the network society .

The world is passing through a large cultural change

understand, accept and be aware that the world is changing ... today more than ever is becoming a paradigm where the centrality of cultural 'Other than me now is an existential situation that we integrate into our way of being, to live and act in our human society. Cultural diversity is not a defect in the archipelago of society, but a richness and a condition sine qua non for the creation of human beings.

Can I be myself in the measure that established a relationship with another different from me. The more different from me is not a threat to my being but it is a condition of possibility of my relational identity. If you are unable to enter into a relationship with another is not a problem but the other is the assurance of my insecurity about myself.

Living the relational paradigm and communicative just-in-time

We are immersed in the company network (network society ) And then there are obsolete form of management and communication (communication type top-down) in the management of people, institutions and personal life itself. If there is something urgent in our lives and relationships in our social life is the need to create a welcoming, able to support the growth of cooperation and solidarity, social and emotional intelligence.

Today we have become more aware of the need to create in our social life a warm emotional environment to facilitate the sharing and mutual respect. The positive communication and authentic style assertive in interpersonal relationships must be the soul of community life. In order to give vitality to the soul and social life must be present sensitivity, respect and empathy, the ability to interact with others, to listen to another person, to put yourself in his shoes, to express their feelings accurately, collaborate and to communicate positive, transparent and sincere.

Without interpersonal skills will not be able to collaborate on a joint , because we work together to learn and educate each other. "To teach it is necessary to educate and develop the ability to communicate in a positive way, even when faced with negative emotions of discomfort, uneasiness, rebellion, rejection. " [1] Only by living in this perspective we are working to improve a bit 'of civilization in human society.

Claudio Coronel Arevalos

[1] Polito M. (2008), positive communication and cooperative learning , Lavis (TN), Erickson, p. 11.



Good Sunday to all:)
Today is a bit 'better. The diet continues even though the road is full of temptations ... I'm back in the gym Thursday, it was difficult and I did not even throughout the workout, an hour and a half instead of two hours, and I did the same Friday. Yesterday I walked for an hour and a half, now I do not think I'll move a lot. I'd like to add another discipline in the gym, is called total body work out, is the evening three times a week, but I do not know if I'm ready for a lesson in a group with other people, I'm afraid to suck: (I'll try to talk with the secretaries of the gym, maybe they can give me advice.
For the rest, I studied very little. Not good, I know, but I can not be settled and focused. There's my half future, these tests are critical and if you do not pass do not know what to do in the coming years of my life, but still can not come true from the perspective of the study.
In him everything OK, aside from the fact that at this time I feel uneasy. Luckily I can vent with my friends then he is quite immune to it, although occasionally, when they are particularly anxious, I start making a fuss about everything. I have to avoid.
I'm going to study: P Have a nice day:)

Friday, March 4, 2011

My House Feels Very Dry Help


Rossignoli door exposure Freewheeling to animate Abbiategrasso 19 and March 20, the exhibition Bicycles found with the most beautiful historical bicycles .

Bicycles found allows the public to see up close the pieces they have written the history of cycling and, together, that our country which this year celebrates the 150th Unit . The film shows a close ruotone the nineteenth century, the elegant turn of the century two-wheelers, tandems, tricycles, road bikes of the samples.

Edition "mother" of Bicycles found was born in 2007 and is held every year in Corso Garibaldi 71, Milan. Thanks to the great success of public and media attention, Bicycles found was made in 2010 in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan in occasion of the National Bike Day. Now arrives Abbiategrasso.

Bicycles is found free initiative to promote sensitivity to the world of sustainable mobility in Italy than in countries of central and northern Italy, is still far behind. Rossignoli, which is based in Milan for a good 111 years (the year of establishment is 1900), believes that cycling is not only a means of transport and noise pollution, but a philosophy that must be defended and promoted to improve quality of life of the city and its inhabitants.

The following link leads to a movie exposure:

at freewheel, March 19 to 20

Antibiotics Worse Toothache

I woke up to the "silence".
I did not hear a car pass, I did not feel hungry cats meow, I felt
church bells.
But the light filtering through the tax side by side.
I looked at the clock.
The 7.00.
What happened? I had fallen asleep with the rain!
I open the shutters and ... .. wonderful and terrible magic. The snow.

The weather on the Internet had given snow, but I did not think so many snow!
40 or maybe 50, in some places more than 60 cm. blanket of white.
But where is it the time when Baptists sang "March of the gardens are dressed in new colors ..."
If we can not stop someone or something that 'helps' to do so.
It 'great to be immersed in the icy whiteness.
me back to a size small to be lost in this great universe.
It makes me feel inside a cocoon waiting to be born to new life.
It makes me feel apart after that I shoveled and shoveled and shoveled without seeing any results.

It pains me when I saw trees broken, mutilated, cut, torn by the weight of snow.
makes me cry thinking of those with emergencies at home and has no electricity and telephone connected.
It makes me angry to see how we all mellowed and we are all in the service of "god money"
No longer does anything for nothing. Everyone shut up in its shell to defend his little world.
But where is the solidarity and brotherhood. We are all trapped in this vile gear that does not give us time to see beyond our nose?
What's sad to see the magic that will vanish ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bart Hits Homer With A Chair Clip


I'm wrong.
Today I ate as a pig and I have not studied, but this is not the problem. In fact right now I do not give a damn.
I'm lonely, weak, scared. As if all the old crap I own drowning. Sometimes I think it would be better cope with that sleeping pill, instead of continuing.
what I feel makes me feel a terrible nausea, a sense of nostalgia, terror, desperate desire for something that I can not have thoughts about the past, the evil I did. I know I'm melodramatic with the last statement, but I am out that way. I think back on what happened long ago, it would have been wrong, what I felt, how they behaved, what they have achieved, and I'm sick. Sometimes I get the feeling not to know that there is something that escapes me, and I just can not understand, whether it is a betrayal, a simple desire to expand, whether or not a catastrophic loss partial interest in the state of my feelings, or less romantic interest of you, a growth of selfishness, consider me for granted, I have no idea.
The truth is that you will never be loved as one would like. I want something that was ... and that is not coming back, as he assured me. They are usually resigned and I'm happy, but there are times, like today, where I'm going to dig ... and it hurts.