Friday, March 18, 2011

340s John Deere Snowmobile

SPRING?? I am here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Shoes For Step Aerobics 2010

I hate the mirrors ...

... and all the reflective surfaces.
I'm doing the diet, I'm not overdriven, I'm going to the gym regularly with a double workout, because I care ... so before you leave or when the street seems to be fatter than I was before starting the diet (almost 5 kg does) and always dressed like an old lady? Lardos see my thighs, my hips, a bad posture, with legs that tremble, their feet on their way, his hair disheveled, his face anonymous (and this is really bad because my face is the 'only part of my body that I like), the horrible clothes, my clothes are loose but I do look even fatter ...
Maybe they think they are cute, then I look at myself as I walk into a shop window, I see my huge thighs protruding from his jacket, and I feel like shit. E 'arrival two weeks constantly late for appointments because I change my clothes constantly, always at the last minute. I stopped wearing his leather jacket and my jacket-coat because they leave the flanks almost discovered, I'm using only the coat longer.
Starmie clothes seem all wrong, and I do hate all matches . Until now I always thought of dressing well enough, but my wardrobe at the moment I seem to contain only bad stuff and I is shit. Do you know those girls a bit 'dangling, walking hurt and so ugly, her hair limp and formless, with a color cod musty and badly dressed? Here, I feel so whenever I leave the house. I feel uneasy no matter what I wear.
Bah ... I think for a couple of weeks I'll look in the mirror more. Maybe after two weeks of dieting will start to see some improvement.
for Call and Sick86: tomorrow go on to visit your blog in the meantime I wish you a good night:)

Frustration Rummy Cards