Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nj High School Basketball Referee

Silvio Berlusconi? But enough!

willingly subscribe to the mobilization and publishes the appeal of the site thinking women. We do this to your Spregevolezza Silvio Berlusconi who, fortunately, we are many "not to be available to women"

Women Thinking calls for the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and his government .

we ask how women, as citizens, and we ask with all those men and citizens who do not accept to be ruled by Berlusconi and his government.

While it is clear that today as women and as an association that protects the representation of women, can not but speak the havoc yet again made against us must be equally clear that the inadequacy of Berlusconi to govern Italy, with the scandals sex is only in recent days came to a climax and end.

  1. The inability of Silvio Berlusconi's government is likely to have already dented the credibility of our country at international level: shines through its complete lack of sense of the state from personalistic management of public affairs, by his repeated gaffes, and by the numerous charges imputed as the contest with the Mafia, extortion and the facilitation of child prostitution. Berlusconi has long since lost any sense of limits, dragging the entire nation through the collusion of a court of loyal vassals ready to do anything to receive her favors, a decline of enormous proportions, to recover which will take many years and many, profound change.
  2. The sex scandals of recent days are just the latest in a huge series. Over the years of his government - with a strong surge in the last two, before our eyes There was a shocking picture, in which the protagonists are constantly emerging and details - Not sure why, as would have us believe, is a haunted / intercettato/spiato- but because it is a matter of such magnitude that it is impossible, despite the resources used, to buy the silence of those who have seen and heard. A question arises at this point, more than legitimate: who governs Italy as the head of government and all his ministers have pledged to cover the evil deeds of one who is not even able to buy a public credibility?
  3. Misogyny Berlusconi is such that he did underestimate the danger of scandal, and yet women are just starting to speak first with his Veronica Lario prophetic letter, then Patrick D'Addario with his anger, then the various Letizia, Barbara Montereale, Ruby, Nadia Macri, who for a moment losing sight of guile and cynicism are proving to be tangled up, perhaps in spite of themselves, what they knew. But it is also a story of determination and seriousness of women like Anna and Ida Fiorillo Boccassini that challenge the silence and using the tools of justice are contributing to the sinking of the last final blow.
  4. The severity of the problem which today leads us to react is not only the sex scandal. What we want to denounce the system that is Silvio Berlusconi, thanks to its television channels his network of associates, brokers, businessmen, created in recent years. A system of corruption that uses women as a bargaining chip to obtain favors, but which took root in the imagination of all those who today think that using your body to get money or facilities, is a form of employment perfectly normal, indeed smarter than the others, which imply greater effort to lower efficiency. We want to make it clear that the corruption of morals, the values \u200b\u200bof zero, this annihilation of the prospects for young people, was perpetrated by one who is elected by a people to preserve the present, and especially the future.
We stopped believing in a gasp of dignity by this government, certain that history will judge these sad years, but if we want to give to women and Italian men hope to find dignity in the social and political culture of this country, need to be reformed from top to bottom the role of women in politics, and culture in Italian society. This reform is not possible without the commitment of all men and women together.
single condition: the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and his government .
As for the story Ruby and possible incitement to prostitution, we are expressing an opinion based on what is currently available through the media.

Please forward this message by copying it on your sites and blogs, send them to your friends and anyone who can give you visibility .

Participate actively in our initiative attacking the WANTED sign on your windows, cars, and wherever it is appropriate to send us your photo.

not deface your city! A manifest is abusive if it is posted on walls, telephone boxes, containers etc.. And it is also unfair commercial space on a poster of Commons without the stamp of the municipality.
Association not liable for violations of rules on public billboards committed by those who freely printed pattern, and has posted in violation of the law (Legislative Decree no. No 507/1993 on public billboards).
The sign to be printed, use, disseminate online and offline from the network:


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