Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maybelline Mousse Matte Swatch

I ask for asylum, the real

Paolo Sarti
Corriere della Sera, December 8, 2009 - Chronicle of Florence

When in 1974 the OMNI (Opera National Maternity and Childhood) closed its doors, the Italian Communists were faced with managing a complex and cumbersome legacy made of maternal counseling, childbirth preparation classes and nursery schools. Those

kindergartens were built on farms, in factories or near or next to the offices, with the express purpose of "assisting" and child care for working women to protect their jobs (of course, was protection for the employer or leave the child to the nest or leave work!).

Assistance made above (and often solely) of care and hygiene, attention, food, physical protection. The children lived space and time on stereotyped behavior and inescapable: time of potty meant that "one should" pee or poop together and hour there: and there were bandages to anchor the recalcitrant children potties.

hour of jelly they put all the children lined up on the chair to go and fill their mouths with the spoon. But it was perhaps a bad personnel, sour?! Absolutely not, because the staff of a nursery was asked to return the child to his mother reassuring her that he had eaten all had sleep ... and did not hurt (this was less easy to ensure that a nanny could also have twenty children of different ages and in all areas over inadequate and poorly protected). Thanks to enlightened

assessors, in the nests of Florence began to enter the teaching: fewer doctor visits and more attention to the complex needs of children. It was not easy to explain to staff that had worked for years without taking the child's hands and fed him by force, that food was also exploring the food, maybe a bit spargendoselo 'on face: it was not wasted, it was growing. This premise

"historic" to remember that the evolution from old nests Business was a complex process, and only through a long process it was possible to transform structures of pure stands in places where children can express their full potential.

It was just psychology, pedagogy, attention to the needs of growing child who deeply innovated the nests, since the early eighties onwards. To give more strength to change it also decided to delete the word "nursery" to speak more correctly of "nests", sweeping away even from the end of welfare as might remain.

Since then great strides forward. Of course I am not all roses and flowers, and still needs to be done. But today especially alarming the feeling that those involved in the nests where its "lost his memory."

are the new condominium projects and nursery business that scare, and even more credits are private: solutions "incomplete" and without warranties of competence and quality.

So you envisage new structures that offer opportunities to stand alone and I'm referring to the nests company, which does not guarantee or connected with the territory or cultural openness. The nest, because of its preparatory function, can not help but participate in initiatives and cultural stimuli, the neighborhood in which they arise.

Then there is the communal nest, with no guarantee of pedagogical skills / education, and finally voucher to spend in private for the family that has no place in public.

The concept is that public service is not able to open new spaces and then passes the ball to the private: it recognizes its limits and "make good" parents, with public money, for his failure.

The direction is inexorable new baby-parking. Lost
any attention to childhood, lost all sense of social and political place of "public" training of individuals (see school), lost a valuable piece of childhood, seen more as an obstacle to production rather than as instrument of investment in the future.

But in some areas, also lost a certainty of physical protection for children, such as episodes of Pistoia, with ill-treatment in a private nursery, probably could have been avoided if the existence of a system of training and retraining of personnel requirement was mandatory (as in public) the ability to open and manage these spaces.

Paolo Sarti, pediatrician - Florence
sarti.paolo @ tin.it

Monday, November 16, 2009

How Far Ahead To Order Cake

Babies rude

Every Thursday at 19.00 and every Tuesday at 12.15 - on Channel 10 - "Baby rude" becomes a TV program by Paul's Tailors: to learn to be parents and to recognize their errors.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Where Can You Buy Island Oasis

The Rector of the Pontifical Salesian. Rvdo. Don Mario Toso sdballa graduation for achievement of Science Degree in Education Delivery Arevalos CORONEL CLAUDIO
in recognition of the results obtained dell'eccelenza
the Medal of the University. "

Mi tesis de Licenciatura en Pedagogía y Medial comunicación, en la Universidad Pontificia Salesian University, Rome - Italy.

The role of the school
in the society of information technology and communication

"The mere presence of media in schools is insufficient when it comes to formulating a training plan for the current context. For a complete education, and self-critical, you need a route that covers education in the media, "in" and "for" communication "glocal", ie, a concrete experience of community open and sensitive to the realities of context. "

1 - The contents of the research: key points of the chapters

We have sought, in three chapters to identify the elements characteristic of this new cultural environment, the countless possibilities and opportunities they provide for the educational environment, but at the same time we realized that no one is free from uncertainties , limits and dangers.

If we are not careful the intrusive reality of new technologies, our educational project, instead of aiming for a personal training and human development, could easily be in the service and make the models political, ideological and economic, that disregard a real development project and human cooperation, committed to building a democratic society, solidarity and justice.

a) The influence of the new context in the process of growth and human development

The new reality is giving rise to a new type of 'man (conformist alienated, technocratic, dogmatic, depending on the software), values \u200b\u200bof (immediate, indisputable authority) and world (structured, predetermined). We can say that every age is a cultural model of communication and all communication model assumes a different way to understand human reality.

The risk involved in defending a cultural model highly dependent on technology (technophilia, naive assimilation) is an issue that we must not remain indifferent, because every technological advance, especially today, does not fail to have a strong charge of ambiguity, because it can serve to humanize, as dis-humanize the man. The context of technological change can be reversed and perverted, even irreversibly damaging the ecosystem vital endangering survival for humanity.

The advanced process of economic and cultural globalization with its charge very dominant, of uniformity, of cultural imperialism and manipulation of information, presents us with a more effective cultural imposition, increasing inequalities between different parts of the world and this worries us enormously in a context of neoliberal policies, rising digital gap that exists in society in developing countries, giving rise to huge differences between a small sector of society and the rest, and these factors impede the progress of a model more social democratic and balanced distribution of material wealth, as well as preventing integration, cooperation el'istaurazione a culture of solidarity.

b) Replace the school in the new social and cultural

In the second part of our work we have analyzed the impact of the NTIC resulted in the educational system in general (objectives, actors, institutions, interpersonal relations), before which have to restructure, "adapt", "re-place", for both reading criticism of the media from school must be framed in a renewal of teaching by questioning not only the media , but also the same company to which he must serve, and which affects its effects and its representations. All this from a model that considers formal education and teaching as a practice of freedom to know, opine, respect, challenge, especially taking an attitude reflective and critical not to "integrate" to a naive enthusiasm, but also reflect and think well in that direction has to change, for what purpose and for whom change.

is clear that the school should help acquire a critical attitude to its members because the information is transformed into knowledge without putting aside the importance of the ability to select information (classified, analyze, interpret, validate and use) that comes through the media and who is already nearly ubiquitous in all environments (family, school, social) of our daily lives. The other particularly important aspect is the size of the relationship of interpersonal communication that must be established within the educational community and the whole process of teaching and learning, which according to our criterion is an essential element upon which we build everything a project of socialization and training of a new nationality, we are convinced that the quality of our interpersonal interaction and community relations, will depend on our ability to live in unity and our resolve for a joint project of humanity.

Stay well clear that the idea is not to replace the environment (the virtual to the presential), but we see clearly that the most appropriate way is the integration, complementarity and openness to global.

c) Media Education, "in" and "for" communication

After an analysis of reality and its influence in education, and more specifically in the school, we present our proposed lines or operational criteria, which could well serve as principles, assumptions and pedagogical proposals enlighten us, the time to design a concrete action of 'media education, and communication in glocal. " The proposal that we presented can be put into practice in curriculum content, to be applied gradually at all levels (media literacy ), but it can also be regarded as the content of informal learning, continuing permanent part of actors the educational process. The essence of our proposal, as we consider, is that it must be an inseparable part of every project as a permanent dimension of the educational community, to be This goal cross the entire project, strategy and educational practice.

We are living in an environment of great cultural and technological development accelerated and uneven economic growth, faced with this situation, the most obvious thing is to participate actively in this process of transformation with a critical attitude that is, anticipating possible problems or deviations which enables, with the hope and commitment in building a more democratic society, justice and solidarity; illuminating with pedagogical principles and criteria, from a perspective of positive and proactive.

If those we are interested because education continues to be a means of empowerment for the achievement of equality, freedom, building a society with democratic participation, just and tolerant, we remain apocalyptically at the margin, without of interest to the new problems that challenge us, others took it upon themselves to occupy spaces dell'influenzi decision, without any control, responsibility and ethics of value, only with the sole purpose of obtaining economic benefits, political control and cultural imposition.

2 - Concrete results

To better understand the final proposal , we separate the results in their essential parts that we consider to be the main mission of the school in this scenario contemporary cultural : To educate the media, "in" and "for" communication, communicating "glocal" to a culture solidarity.

a) To educate the media

The new cultural landscape is dominated by various forms of "representation" of reality that most likely are not "transparent." The only political imperative to train skilled workers for insertion into a technological society, consider the average as teaching aids in a pure point of view too instrumental. In contrast to these positions and other "concerned", you need a formation which has a critical attitude before media, content, messages and ideologies, which favors understanding of the conceptual proposals, of all the practices and experiences in order to instruct the agents to a method of critical reading.

is not a question of educating for sustainable use and consumption of media under the laws of market globalization and the imposition of a discriminatory, but to give rules for the analysis of media, products and ideologies as well as the proposed alternative use of critical views and solidarity, taking apart and building messages and content in the educational process - communication.

b) Educating "in" and "for" communication "

training in critical thinking requires training "in" and "for" communication, the concern for the quality of interpersonal relationships, experience, dialogue, interaction and communication in the educational process of 'teaching and learning. We stress the importance of urgently "in" communication, namely, that environment of "meta-communication" (the relational context of the communication), calling the attention of the quality of interpersonal relationships in the educational dialogue. We teaching theories, techniques, practices, exercises on media and communication in our modern era, but in an environment, attitudes, behaviors, expressions, reactions, who stop and threw the pie, and our good intentions.

is a clear need to strengthen the social and relational skills of teachers, improve interpersonal relationships in order to increase motivation, assimilation, social attitude in favor of, to create a positive relational environment, in a context of listening, in view of a process of integral growth. The supposed way to educate communicative competence that exceeds the domain of the forms of oral expression, written, multimedia, analytical reading - critical, knowledge of codes and the media languages.

What we are proposing is the creation of a type of real-world environment and paradigm of coexistence, dialogue, participation, commitment to justice and solidarity, to raise awareness and sense of belonging, territorial, social to serve as the source and reason for the 'engagement and the exchange of cultural events, to the point of building a new way of living with each other, that is a more human world of social coexistence in view of a "new humanism", accompanied by an ethical discourse and policies to ensure access to communication as an opportunity to achieve justice, freedom and economic development.

c) to communicate "glocal" to a culture of solidarity .

is a counter to those who want to "teach to think globally and act locally", which might perhaps even give too much premium on the "global". We offer an education "in" and "for" communication "Communicating glocal", ie the experience of educational communication, embedded in a particular environment, which has relevance to the context in the dynamics of the relationship and interaction in the local community, but which integrates both the environment and the global context.

Attention to the environment has always been a distinctive feature of the pedagogical tradition, because the educational relationship always exists inside of a life situation. Education "in" and "for" communication from the experience is a practical education that gives rise to new symbolic relations and new expressions, stimulate the commitment and partnership, is a bet to be a Social Community. This project corresponds to all the social issues, but especially today that we think should be the primary mission of the school, that is, a renewed concern for the training of people with social awareness, open to the urgency of global dynamics, with a keen desire for commitment to a more just, democratic, united, just and humane.

day before to the danger of a "media dictatorship" resonates with renewed strength that made the invocation Paulo Freire in his time of political dictatorship, as the urgency of a pedagogy of communication strongly marked by the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, fraternity, freedom, responsibility, relationship help, with an active method of dialogue and participatory, with which to overcome the dislike of anti uncritical dialogue. This way of understanding education is accompanied by a strong sense of community experience as a dialogical-hermeneutical space and environment, combined with a common framework of values \u200b\u200bfrom which it carries out the process of interpretation of the media and reality, taking as its starting point the experience of the communication carried in the educational community.

This way of being and act foreshadows a broader democratic community nationally and internationally. The learning environment thus becomes a "forum", "medium media", where "reality" glocal "is discussed, it is interpreted and reconstructed, to the point of becoming a true training for training, promotion, co-existence of socio-relational skills (descriptive, expressive, social-emotional positive), and for living together from certain values \u200b\u200band ethical principles such as participation, dialogue, freedom, equality, fairness, interaction, cooperation, shared responsibility, which are the fundamental basis for building a culture of solidarity that focuses on the respect, protection and promotion of human dignity, and thus to the rapid spread contrarrestare a highly competitive and exclusive cultural model based on efficiency, the result, interest etc..

Pokemon Fire Red Development

Baccalaureate en Mi tesis de la Universidad en Salesian Pontifical Rome - Italy

educomunicazione as the new field of educational intervention
at school

Concrete results

To understand better the formation final educate "the" and " " communication "glocal" at school, in their separate essential parts to emphasize the main tasks in the school dell'educomunicazione :

a) Educate " in "and" for "communication"

training in critical thinking requires training "in" and "for" communication, the concern for the quality of interpersonal relationships , the experience of dialogue, interaction and communication in the educational process of teaching and learning. We stress the importance of urgently "in" communication, namely, that environment of "meta-communication" (the relational context of the communication), calling the attention of the quality of interpersonal relationships in the educational dialogue. We can teach theories, techniques, practices, exercises on media and communication in our modern era, but in an environment, attitudes, behaviors, expressions, reactions, who stop and throw our feet on the ground and good intentions.

is a clear need to strengthen the social and relational skills of teachers, improve interpersonal relationships in order to increase motivation, assimilation, the attitude in favor of social, create a positive relational environment, in a context of listening, in view of a process of integral growth. The supposed way to educate a communicative competence that exceeds the domain of the forms of oral expression, written, multimedia, analytical reading - critical, knowledge of codes and the media languages.

What we are proposing is the creation of a type of real-world environment and paradigm of coexistence, dialogue, participation, commitment to justice and solidarity, to raise awareness and sense of belonging , territorial, social, to serve as the source and reason for the 'engagement and the exchange of cultural events, to the point of building a new way of living with each other, that is a more humane world view of social coexistence in a "new humanism ", accompanied by an ethical discourse and policies to ensure access to communication as an opportunity to realize justice, freedom and economic development.

b) Press "glocal" in schools.

is a counter to those who want to "teach to think globally and act locally", which might perhaps even give too much premium on the "global". We offer an education "in" and "for" glocal communication, namely the experience of educational communication, embedded in a particular environment, which has importance in the context dynamics of the relationship and interaction in the local community, but which integrates both the environment and the global context.

Attention to the environment has always been a distinctive feature of the pedagogical tradition, because the educational relationship always exists inside of a life situation. Education "in" and "for" communication from the experience is a practical education that gives rise to new relationships and new symbolic expressions, stimulate the commitment and partnership, is a bet to be a Social Community. This project corresponds to all social agencies, but especially today that we think should be the primary mission of the school, that is, a renewed concern for the training of people with social awareness, ecological and political urgency of the global dynamic open, with a keen desire for ' commitment to a more just, democratic, united, just and humane.

resonates today with renewed strength that made the invocation Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the urgency of a communication strongly marked by the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, fraternity, freedom, responsibility, relationship help, with an active method dialogic and participatory con il quale poter Vincere il disamore dell'anti uncritical dialogue. Questa maniera di comprendere l'educazione è un accompagnata di esperienza strong sense Comunità di uno spazio ed eats-ermeneutico dialogical environment.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Technics Sl-bd24 Belt

declare, for appropriate action, which Prof.. Claudio Arévalos Colonel, member of the Ph.D. program Pontifical Salesian University, Rome, Italy, conducted a research internship at the Center for Communication and Education of the School of Arts and Communication, University of São Paulo, between June 28 and 10 August 2oo7, under my supervision. (Dr. Ismar de Oliveira Soares)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Need For Speed Run From Mounted Image

Established in Florence on the register of living wills: an act of secular administration

(Paolo Sarti)

October 6, 2009: Florence City Council approved the establishment of the register of living wills with 26 votes in favor and 18 against, among those Against all opposition center-right and three members of the Democratic Party.

The City Council of Florence has just said yes to the establishment of a "register" declarations of end of life (as did the Tuscan town of Calenzano and Pisa, where, however, the package includes a repository of wills).

Florence does not create a public archive the last wishes of care in cases of serious illness, but simply a list of residents who have already deposited with a notary or other fiduciary their living wills and decide freely whether to give its report to the City.

A list short, "which took place in preparation of living wills" - reads the resolution as approved - which guarantees the certainty of the date of filing and the source of origin. The register is public domain, rather it will be accessible to doctors who want to know if their client, in the absence of communication or information from the family, has or has not filed a "forward declaration of will" to consult.

It 'important to remember that it is not mandatory as a "living will be much less required to inform you that it was done by subscribing to this register for the district.
In other words, those who want to make a living will is free to do so and will give notice to the municipality of residence because they need to be consulted at his will, on the date which will guarantee the veracity and the municipality itself, without forcing its citizens to address the legal fees of filing.

But then: are the origins of the disturbance of the political opposition, and some advisers PD who abstain or even vote against, and the Church, and after just an hour after the approval begins with the tough stance of the curia of Florence (and Archbishop Giuseppe Betori) note that the record as "an ideological act, unlawful and without legal effect"?

"The city - is written in the note of the archdiocese - is found to be reduced to an ideological tool joints, providing new excuses for division, not respecting the sensitivities of many of its citizens."

What a scandal hits, and the Catholic sensibility: a log of the will of others? Scandalized by the freedom of expression, the choice of a different thought, an atheist and not religious? They want required by law to make believe? If so, we can only rejoice that at last, Florence has built this, however small, an instrument of civilization, which is essential for the affirmation of the principle of secularism.

A "declaration of intent for early medical treatment" (the so-called "living will") is a legal document that allows you to specify in advance the medical treatment they will receive or reject each in the event of mental incapacity, or unconsciousness of other reasons preventing them from communicating directly and consciously with your doctor.

The person who drew them up appoint a trustee to health care that becomes, if the person becomes incapacitated, the party called upon to intervene in the decisions regarding medical treatment themselves.

The right of the Italian citizen to choose on this matter does not exist because, as angry and sarcastic on the pages of his blog on technology don Paolo Pedrini (creator of PRAYBOOK, an application for the sharing of prayer on Facebook), "the Parlamentino of Florence "was allowed to deliberate, but because a rich and authoritative legislation on the states for some time.

Although there is still a specific law in Italy (as is the United States since 1991, and in many European countries), there are rules national and international binding as well as an authoritative case law, which recognize the value of living wills.

Think first Article 32 of the Constitution, which states that "nobody can be forced to a particular health treatment under the provisions of law" and that "the law can in no case violate the limits imposed by respect for the person human. " This constitutional provision for all citizens constitute what lawyers call a "perfect law" means that applications do not need laws to be exercised.

Similarly, Article. 13 of the Constitution states that "personal freedom is inviolable", strengthening the recognition freedom and independence of the individual in his personal choices.

However, the problem arises - as demonstrated by the dramatic story of Eluana - in cases where for various reasons, the patient loses the ability to express their will to refuse certain treatments.

In those cases, however, regard the Charter of Fundamental Rights, under which the free and informed consent of the patient when the doctor is regarded as a fundamental right of citizen rights relating to the integrity of the person (Title 1, Dignity, Art. 3 Right to personal integrity) and the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine Oviedo of 1977, ratified by Law 145/2001, which stipulates in Article. 9 that "the previously expressed wishes about medical intervention by a patient who, at surgery, is unable to express their will, will be taken into consideration."

The new code of medical ethics adopted by the National Federation of Physicians and dentists, in addition, after noting that Article. 16 that "the physician must refrain obstinacy in diagnostic and therapeutic treatments from which we can not wait for a health benefit of the sick ...", art. 35 stipulates that "the physician should not take therapeutic activity without your consent and explicit informed patient ... In any case, in the presence of a documented refusal of a competent person who the physician should desist from acts of healing, there can be no medical treatment against the wishes of the person. "

also art. 38 states that" the physician must follow ... at the freely expressed will of the person to heal. The doctor, if the patient is unable to express their wishes must be taken into account in their choices, as previously indicated by the same in a certain and documented. "

Finally, it is worth mentioning the recent decisions of the Court of n.21748 Cassation, the Court of Appeal of Milan No. 88 of 2008 and 334 of the Constitutional Court of 2008, its just for Englaro. The Court of Cassation, in particular, has attached great importance to the patient's wishes, saying that the legal representative acting in the interest of the incapacitated person and, once satisfied that the condition of vegetative state is irreversible, it must carry out the will could deducted from his personality, his lifestyle, its inclinations, its values \u200b\u200band its ethical beliefs, religious, cultural and philosophical.

I would say that there is sufficient basis in law and in law to inform and shape an ad hoc law also for our country. What is certain is that the City Council of Florence did not no forced or early legislator, has only established a registry for citizens wishing to use it with modesty and respect for the laws and rights.

By now, however, we have the paradox that a large part of Italian citizens and politicians that represent them think that what "I do not want to me" (fear, political thought, religious reasons) will not even need all others. And if they wanted instead, to prevent certain choices are transformed into crime! In short, if this effort continues, I'll find myself not believing in the afterlife for a penalty or policemen in the house?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tampax Pearl Compak Lites

bad boy, curly exploded and parents

(Paolo Sarti)

I read in the chronicle of Florence that the "bad boys" of the garden of the trials and tribulations are to hit back: a hedgehog tortured, kicked and then exploded in mid-August and one evening a new hunt for the hedgehog, which, fortunately, this Once you have saved. The Councillor for Social

Saccardi was then ordered more checks, but the bands are hit and come back here today that the Foundation Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri, who first reported the misdeeds, is proposing to fence off and close the garden at night.

So probably save the rich zone and the sleep of the residents ... but the heads of the "bad guys" who saves them? And who
prejudice to the further misdeeds that these heads will implement ... even more criminal with advancing age.
What kind of adults we expect? We will have to fence off all of our living spaces and close them at night?

I have another question, but the parents of these kids where they are? They are all orphans or someone must answer for these criminals-in-growth? They are all guys who are self-educate or is there some adult responsibility?

can do it our law enforcement to identify, by name, surname and address, these designers of Celtic crosses and animal abusers? Becomes available the names we could intervene and "help out" families, by acting with social (and perhaps also with the cultural!).

Perhaps this is what an assessor should take on the social, rather than the cancellation of the fence. I mean these kids drop them to rebuild or is there a little hope of salvation, both for us and for them?

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Flocked Curling Irons


April 1, 2010

The artist will attend the exhibition
Vectores Invertidos international artists in Buenos Aires organized by the art gallery
The Guanacazul
April 15 to May 9

inauguration Thursday 15 April Defense
19:30 677 San Telmo Buenos Aires


Hadrien Bernard France

Netherlands Bernard Coops

Lisa Franz germany / china

Italy Mirco Marcacci

Georgia Levan Mindiashvili

Italy Giorgia Moretti

Mowszovicz Fabian uruguay

Teresa Poester brasil

October 11, 2009 An article on
Giorgia Moretti will be published in the bimonthly magazine of furniture La Maison December / January
http:// lamaison.agenziaten.com /

August 2, 2009
Giorgia Moretti attend the event Private Flat to be held in Florence during 2, 3, 4 October at several apartments in the city (Via del Castellaccio 3, the one that exposes the artist)
Friday, October 2 from 16:00 to 21:00, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 from 10.00 to 19 . 00

July 27, 2009

From July 25 to August 28
Staff Giorgia Moretti
to ' Absinthe literary café (Via Bilancioni 14, Rimini) is open from Thursday to Saturday from 3.00am 19.oo
Curator - Alessandro Giovanardi

July 25, 2009

Giorgia Moretti attend the event The day art August 2 at the center Kas8 Young (via Ravenna 75) in Bellaria Igea Marina
. The event will take place in a single day from 17:00 and there will be many artists and musicians

April 21, 2009

The artist will participate in the collective Current Trends at:

STUDIO ART Q - CURRENT TRENDS Group Exhibition May 2 to 16
via Dante 10/12 Pontedera, Pisa

Editors: Massimo and Daniela

January 20, 2009

The artist created an image of
the devastating role of male Neanderthal today Giorgio Giannini


Finga Fingerboards For Sale

Critical text: Transparency disturbing

Transparency disturbing Alessandro Giovanardi

The sacred arts There are bodies that ancient numinous - as human or animal - not to distance themselves from common experience to have, beyond the apparent similarities, there is nothing comparable to the physical structures of life known to us or investigated scientifically. To support the figure does not include bones or muscles, tendons or nerves can not see, let alone just to show the skin firm, with air sweetness, the hidden spiritual forces. And so the faces and profiles Egyptians, Hindu gods and goddesses, the Buddhas, Greek and Indo-Tibetan and Chinese, the Christian Byzantine and Romanesque, have a mild and radiant physicality, quietly and without agitation, in which only the Spirit soul meat, and the claims.
Giorgia Moretti seems to bring the energy flow of ancestral power of painting and sculpture in what these rituals, in large part, deny visually: the skeleton, the plots lymphatic, nerve pathways and mechanical properties. The painter is confronted, therefore, an object that inspires and restless contemporary art, namely the X-ray, not, however, using it directly and even obsession with copying of documents, but evoking the surface transparent and revealing, revisited with imaginative games and disturbing comparisons . There, where the plate is able to offer only diagnostic properties to interpret signs, Moretti shows pictorially the synthetic sense of life and movement, the flow peaceful or militant forces in peace or in contention almost as a reminder that art is in its ability to realize a comprehensive survey poetic radiograph the only possible reality, all living in his uniform, in his implicit harmonic drama. The specific point of view is, finally, the deep-sea fish biology, falling in love for the shapes of fish and shellfish neon night ocean of perennials, superimposed over human transparencies and merged with the organic man. It is the reference to a set depth as possible and dial-up, a figure known of common knowledge that time is precious because esa r traced back to ancient perception mystery.

The disquieting transparence

The ancient holy arts show us godlike bodies which take distance from common experience not to possess anything comparable to physical structures of the known and scientifically explored life.No bones or muscles sustain the figure, we perceive no nerves neither tendons, we only see compact skin gently disclosing the hidden spiritual forces. Thus, Egyptian profiles, Hindu goddesses and gods, Tibetan and Chinese Buddhas, Byzantine and Romanic Christs possess a light and glowing corporeal quality where only the Spirit makes the bodies seem alive. Giorgia Moretti wants to bring the energetic flux of ancient ritual painting and sculpture powers into what they visually deny: bony frameworks, lymphatic plots, nervous and mechanic systems. Therefore the paintress tries to face and challenge the contemporary arts through a disquieting dimension: the radiography, not copying it with obsession but evoking its transparent surface. There, where a radiography helps the doctors to interpret motionless signs, Giorgia Moretti picturesquely brings back the synthetical sense of life and motion remembering us all that Art, with its inquiring ability, can take the only possible radiography of the reality in its harmonious and implicit dramaticity. Another visual referent mark is, at last, the ichthyc biology of the abysses, the love for phosphorescent shapes of molluscs and fishes of the never-ending ocean nights.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Used Optimist California

Vezzo, hypocrisy or clearance of masculine vices?

(Paolo Sarti)

probably hypocrisy minutes saw its greatest use of terms such as "blind" (= sac), "deaf" (= deaf), "operator ecological "(= garbage), not to mention the top, bordering on mockery," differently abled "(= disabled).

seemed to be over, and already was beginning to replace some lights in his vocabulary the old terms, to do justice to the suffering and human distress.

But, as now taught in today's society, there is no limit to the bottom! Here is a new contribution to verbal barbarism "escort" (= prostitute), and fresh yesterday's La Repubblica, Florence edition, "drag queen" to talk about a transvestite.

But what is the problem of these journalists so willing and ready to put these "hard to not say" want to look chic or better educated? Or perhaps they are embarrassed to talk about the issues with clarity Social? Or want to protect children, uneducated known in the English language, from the miseries of human nature?

The question that worries me is that we want to rise to the dignity of the profession of the person and degradation of the report. The assumptions are so many but it seems now, at this stage in history and politics, the most likely: to give way to those who "enjoys" of these new jobs to save the public image, through a pseudo language clean.

Berlusconi and many other Italian men like him ... basically you are just aimed at professionals!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ontario Immunization Records Template

young face is not synonymous with innovation

The new Executive Committee and the concerns of an "old" left

I have not appreciated at all exterior Renzi announcement of the new council: "I do not set Nardella and the age of Berlusconi" ... is not reassuring. I would have preferred he had said
"Nardella together and I have not even a thought in common with Berlusconi".

It does not reassure even hear "average age of the new Board: 40 years." From time immemorial the experience is acquired with age, while not necessarily the skill or accuracy, nor morality belong to old age. But not even be young people is a guarantee of these qualities, since they are neither innate nor genetically inheritable.

Why was unleashed this heinous generational pact in which we are forced to having to identify renewal, competence, "cleaning" with the delivery of supervision young people, the very young? To resolve the deadlock of a policy made by the elderly themselves, are likely to abandon history and experience in the name of a fresh young creativity self-referenced. Once again the balance is missing: the slogan "wise old" has been replaced by "young and beautiful."

I work with so many very young years as a pediatrician and especially as an educator (my field is that of sex) with high school students ... just before taking in the "maturity" legal vote. And over the years I have seen a progressive deterioration of their general cultural competence, behavioral, moral (I hasten at once to make all the necessary exceptions ... which as we know, however, prove the rule). And do not miss the news every day to deliver a dramatic picture of the situation of youth.

Why then twenty-five / thirty-somethings should be in itself a better than fifty years? I see only one thing certain superiority (for other temporary and without merit): have much more life ahead than it is up to me, which are sixty!

The biography of members of the new council set up by Renzi bodes well in fairness, competence and creativity, and the evidence we have as they work: do not emphasize, however, date of birth on the ID card, we can only give information about the freshness or otherwise of their skin and their physical prowess. The rest is not age but the individual training: and then I hope that by age have been selected but for the fact that, despite the little time they have available to train (since you are young!) Are found to be equipped with the skills and skills necessary to govern a complex and beautiful city like Florence.

Paolo Sarti
Left List for Florence

Friday, June 19, 2009

Vba Fire Red Game Save

Left to Florence: I am involved

Press Eros Cruccolini

With the mayoral candidate of the center you can Matteo Renzi clash, confrontation or dialogue to improve the program of the coalition. Stare at the window is not the place for those taking part to the wide panorama of the left.
favorite place is the square, the political struggle, the desire to be there, to participate and not let others decide what affects us directly ... el 'election of a mayor I think concerns us!

The approaching date of the runoff requires all of us left not only a personal choice but the need for a political debate, an effort of humility and collaboration capabilities. We take responsibility, let's play without being in the corner but the midfield, we are holding strong and let's put the ball in the net.

With the candidate of the center-left Matteo Renzi we can play, with the candidate of the center Giovanni Galli we're not allowed. How can you claim to be against the Berlusconi government and then create the conditions for its candidate for mayor to administer our city?

We call upon the world of green left and friends, with whom we work nationally, to go on 21-22 June on the ballot and vote for the candidate of the center Matteo Renzi.

Removing A Hologram From A License

From the Unit on 11 June 2009

Paolo Sarti:

"Congratulations to Cruccolini, never thought to use" Eros

Cruccolini 387 preferences, Paolo Sarti 385. Two votes in
unless excluded by the assembly of the Palazzo Vecchio. Will be used, someone bet.

to disprove the hypothesis we thought New York the same tailor: "I would not make an appeal against a candidate of my own party," he says from overseas.

"Such a thing is out of my thoughts, "says Sarti.
Indeed, the leftist candidate for Florence, contacted by the Unit, take this opportunity to thank those who voted.
"Now in the second round," concluded Tailors and beg any loss of votes for Renzi. "

Amin Bermudan Swaption

From the Unity of the June 10, 2009

The names of potential new elected

Cruccolini risky action

In Left to Florence is the former chairman of the council Eros Cruccolini to return to the classroom. For two votes Paul has been out that Sarti think of an application for a recount of the votes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can I Use Vagisil With Tetraconizole

Friday, June 5, 2009

Can I Use A Laserjet On A Inkjet Iron On Transfer

Results From the United

Speaking of ...

Paolo Sarti, left for Florence

votarmi I ask you to give voice to a sinister secularism that governments in total.
For most people, staff and quality childcare.
to invest in education rather than repression in: to educate young people about sexuality and affectivity to educate them to live together, respecting the environment and social rules.
to protect individuals in respect of different sexual orientations. To combat what this government is doing against women.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pobierz Odcinki M Jak Milosc

June 5, 2009 From the Republic of June 2, 2009

Paolo Sarti, left for Florence

" I want to protect public health"

Thirty years dedicated to the care and support of children, always in the public service. The pediatrician
Paolo Sarti, candidate for city council in left for Florence, teaches at the Faculty of Medicine, working with the nursery of the City for many years and teaches courses in preparation for birth and sex education in schools.

Sarti, was not enough on its commitment to a doctor?
"I can not say that the work I miss. But we live in a time of great suffering and I feel the need to participate in political life. My work has always been set on an idea of \u200b\u200bthe secular left, I believe deeply in public health and want to protect. The nursery is not enough, should be strengthened, personnel must be trained well, give it a real help to families. The health service is a way of thinking and working, not just to pay the ticket. "

15 years deals with adolescent sexuality.
"And here, now more than ever, it is important to go into schools, working on information for children, turn the light on in the minds of men in a world in which sexuality is abused. We must fight against what this government is doing against women, daily attacks from every angle. In
council are expertise and experience. "


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Monmouth County, Nj Gay Cruising Areas


I finally found someone to give my vote: I was discouraged, then yesterday it's his wheel. I remember very early in 1978 when Dr. Monti Via Buonarroti together we have prepared for childbirth and after birth, then followed the first and then the second daughter. When this in turn will have a son, I will to submit what you have taught us many years ago: I still look surprised when I explain what I did with my sons and I trust that grew good bike (and it is the heart of mother).
I sincerely hope to see you at the Palazzo Vecchio because we need people like you
PS: my children have the acknowledgment at once!

... in '78 I was tall, blond, tanned, but how did they recognize his children into the picture now?! Honestly, maybe the height was the same but the hair certainly did not fail.
But one thing certainly has not changed: the enthusiasm in work and this gave me a great pleasure to read his letter, giving me a new incentive to "work" as thirty years ago.
If I am in the Palazzo Vecchio is also on his vote and I hope to never betray the trust and the positive view it has of me. Thanks again and many greetings to the children, they too become "old" ... for a pediatrician.
(Paolo Sarti)