Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ontario Immunization Records Template

young face is not synonymous with innovation

The new Executive Committee and the concerns of an "old" left

I have not appreciated at all exterior Renzi announcement of the new council: "I do not set Nardella and the age of Berlusconi" ... is not reassuring. I would have preferred he had said
"Nardella together and I have not even a thought in common with Berlusconi".

It does not reassure even hear "average age of the new Board: 40 years." From time immemorial the experience is acquired with age, while not necessarily the skill or accuracy, nor morality belong to old age. But not even be young people is a guarantee of these qualities, since they are neither innate nor genetically inheritable.

Why was unleashed this heinous generational pact in which we are forced to having to identify renewal, competence, "cleaning" with the delivery of supervision young people, the very young? To resolve the deadlock of a policy made by the elderly themselves, are likely to abandon history and experience in the name of a fresh young creativity self-referenced. Once again the balance is missing: the slogan "wise old" has been replaced by "young and beautiful."

I work with so many very young years as a pediatrician and especially as an educator (my field is that of sex) with high school students ... just before taking in the "maturity" legal vote. And over the years I have seen a progressive deterioration of their general cultural competence, behavioral, moral (I hasten at once to make all the necessary exceptions ... which as we know, however, prove the rule). And do not miss the news every day to deliver a dramatic picture of the situation of youth.

Why then twenty-five / thirty-somethings should be in itself a better than fifty years? I see only one thing certain superiority (for other temporary and without merit): have much more life ahead than it is up to me, which are sixty!

The biography of members of the new council set up by Renzi bodes well in fairness, competence and creativity, and the evidence we have as they work: do not emphasize, however, date of birth on the ID card, we can only give information about the freshness or otherwise of their skin and their physical prowess. The rest is not age but the individual training: and then I hope that by age have been selected but for the fact that, despite the little time they have available to train (since you are young!) Are found to be equipped with the skills and skills necessary to govern a complex and beautiful city like Florence.

Paolo Sarti
Left List for Florence


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