Monday, July 27, 2009

Finga Fingerboards For Sale

Critical text: Transparency disturbing

Transparency disturbing Alessandro Giovanardi

The sacred arts There are bodies that ancient numinous - as human or animal - not to distance themselves from common experience to have, beyond the apparent similarities, there is nothing comparable to the physical structures of life known to us or investigated scientifically. To support the figure does not include bones or muscles, tendons or nerves can not see, let alone just to show the skin firm, with air sweetness, the hidden spiritual forces. And so the faces and profiles Egyptians, Hindu gods and goddesses, the Buddhas, Greek and Indo-Tibetan and Chinese, the Christian Byzantine and Romanesque, have a mild and radiant physicality, quietly and without agitation, in which only the Spirit soul meat, and the claims.
Giorgia Moretti seems to bring the energy flow of ancestral power of painting and sculpture in what these rituals, in large part, deny visually: the skeleton, the plots lymphatic, nerve pathways and mechanical properties. The painter is confronted, therefore, an object that inspires and restless contemporary art, namely the X-ray, not, however, using it directly and even obsession with copying of documents, but evoking the surface transparent and revealing, revisited with imaginative games and disturbing comparisons . There, where the plate is able to offer only diagnostic properties to interpret signs, Moretti shows pictorially the synthetic sense of life and movement, the flow peaceful or militant forces in peace or in contention almost as a reminder that art is in its ability to realize a comprehensive survey poetic radiograph the only possible reality, all living in his uniform, in his implicit harmonic drama. The specific point of view is, finally, the deep-sea fish biology, falling in love for the shapes of fish and shellfish neon night ocean of perennials, superimposed over human transparencies and merged with the organic man. It is the reference to a set depth as possible and dial-up, a figure known of common knowledge that time is precious because esa r traced back to ancient perception mystery.

The disquieting transparence

The ancient holy arts show us godlike bodies which take distance from common experience not to possess anything comparable to physical structures of the known and scientifically explored life.No bones or muscles sustain the figure, we perceive no nerves neither tendons, we only see compact skin gently disclosing the hidden spiritual forces. Thus, Egyptian profiles, Hindu goddesses and gods, Tibetan and Chinese Buddhas, Byzantine and Romanic Christs possess a light and glowing corporeal quality where only the Spirit makes the bodies seem alive. Giorgia Moretti wants to bring the energetic flux of ancient ritual painting and sculpture powers into what they visually deny: bony frameworks, lymphatic plots, nervous and mechanic systems. Therefore the paintress tries to face and challenge the contemporary arts through a disquieting dimension: the radiography, not copying it with obsession but evoking its transparent surface. There, where a radiography helps the doctors to interpret motionless signs, Giorgia Moretti picturesquely brings back the synthetical sense of life and motion remembering us all that Art, with its inquiring ability, can take the only possible radiography of the reality in its harmonious and implicit dramaticity. Another visual referent mark is, at last, the ichthyc biology of the abysses, the love for phosphorescent shapes of molluscs and fishes of the never-ending ocean nights.


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