Friday, November 13, 2009

Pokemon Fire Red Development

Baccalaureate en Mi tesis de la Universidad en Salesian Pontifical Rome - Italy

educomunicazione as the new field of educational intervention
at school

Concrete results

To understand better the formation final educate "the" and " " communication "glocal" at school, in their separate essential parts to emphasize the main tasks in the school dell'educomunicazione :

a) Educate " in "and" for "communication"

training in critical thinking requires training "in" and "for" communication, the concern for the quality of interpersonal relationships , the experience of dialogue, interaction and communication in the educational process of teaching and learning. We stress the importance of urgently "in" communication, namely, that environment of "meta-communication" (the relational context of the communication), calling the attention of the quality of interpersonal relationships in the educational dialogue. We can teach theories, techniques, practices, exercises on media and communication in our modern era, but in an environment, attitudes, behaviors, expressions, reactions, who stop and throw our feet on the ground and good intentions.

is a clear need to strengthen the social and relational skills of teachers, improve interpersonal relationships in order to increase motivation, assimilation, the attitude in favor of social, create a positive relational environment, in a context of listening, in view of a process of integral growth. The supposed way to educate a communicative competence that exceeds the domain of the forms of oral expression, written, multimedia, analytical reading - critical, knowledge of codes and the media languages.

What we are proposing is the creation of a type of real-world environment and paradigm of coexistence, dialogue, participation, commitment to justice and solidarity, to raise awareness and sense of belonging , territorial, social, to serve as the source and reason for the 'engagement and the exchange of cultural events, to the point of building a new way of living with each other, that is a more humane world view of social coexistence in a "new humanism ", accompanied by an ethical discourse and policies to ensure access to communication as an opportunity to realize justice, freedom and economic development.

b) Press "glocal" in schools.

is a counter to those who want to "teach to think globally and act locally", which might perhaps even give too much premium on the "global". We offer an education "in" and "for" glocal communication, namely the experience of educational communication, embedded in a particular environment, which has importance in the context dynamics of the relationship and interaction in the local community, but which integrates both the environment and the global context.

Attention to the environment has always been a distinctive feature of the pedagogical tradition, because the educational relationship always exists inside of a life situation. Education "in" and "for" communication from the experience is a practical education that gives rise to new relationships and new symbolic expressions, stimulate the commitment and partnership, is a bet to be a Social Community. This project corresponds to all social agencies, but especially today that we think should be the primary mission of the school, that is, a renewed concern for the training of people with social awareness, ecological and political urgency of the global dynamic open, with a keen desire for ' commitment to a more just, democratic, united, just and humane.

resonates today with renewed strength that made the invocation Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the urgency of a communication strongly marked by the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, fraternity, freedom, responsibility, relationship help, with an active method dialogic and participatory con il quale poter Vincere il disamore dell'anti uncritical dialogue. Questa maniera di comprendere l'educazione è un accompagnata di esperienza strong sense Comunità di uno spazio ed eats-ermeneutico dialogical environment.


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