Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where To Buy Cucidati

From Corriere della Sera on May 27, 2009

Corriere Fiorentino

From newborns to those rude policy

worked with children for thirty years and now reached the threshold of sixty ' years, decided to compete with the world of politics.
Paolo Sarti, pediatrician, committed in partnership humanitarian Physicians for Human Rights , if elected in the municipal list Left Florence, will make the nursery his biggest battle.

For him the world children have no secrets: he has written books like Infants and rude I will be father for years preparing the mothers at birth. It will be just mothers and children if his first thought will come to the Palazzo Vecchio.
"I have seen the birth of the child care and will defend them to the end. I will defend the public service at the sword." He does not want to hear about alternatives such as kindergartens or nurseries business at home: "Do not there is sudden educators, quality and competence in the first place. "

There will be room for sex education in politics by having Dr. Sarti. Sex education he has also taught elementary school children.
" There is a great need for information. Also to prevent sexual violence. We need to take action on a culture wrong. To combat the climate of violence and aggression against women no longer needed streetlights on the street, you turn on a light in the minds of men. And this can be done only by investing in culture, educating young people to respect ".



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