Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bow And Arrow Shoot Baloons

Guide List of candidates to vote

We publish below some information that we hope will be helpful to our e-readers. "

In municipalities with more than 15 000 inhabitants, the mayor and municipal councilors are elected through the use proportional system.

The voter, after expressing their choice on the candidate mayor may vote for one of the lists linked to it, for any of the other lists (grade separated).

The allocation of seats to the lists is done after the proclamation of the Mayor, which may occur during the 1st or 2nd round. The voting is by proportional representation and the awarding of a prize of majority.

mayoral election in round 1
There are three hypotheses:

a) The candidate for mayor than 50% of the vote, but the list or linked lists do not exceed 50%. In this case there is only the allocation of seats by proportional representation.

b) The mayor and the candidate list or group of linked to it lists more than 50% of valid votes. In this case will be assigned to the list or group of linked lists a majority of the premium up to a maximum of 60% of the seats.

c) The list or lists related to the mayoral candidate over 60% of valid votes. In this case, the allocation of seats is by proportional representation, with no premium.

Election of Mayor to the Round 2

The group lists related to the candidate elected mayor who has not attained at least 60% of the seats in the Council, is assigned 60% of the seats, provided that no other group or list of lists has passed in the first round, 50% of valid votes. The remaining seats are assigned to other lists based on proportional representation.

mode of expression of the vote

's candidacy for the office of Mayor is attached to one or more lists of candidates for City Council .

Each voter can vote for only one candidate for Mayor . The choice can fall on a candidate other than that related to the list you will attach the vote. The vote at the candidate for Mayor is expressed with the sign on rectangle in which is written the name of the selected candidate.

A voter may vote for one list . In this case you should draw a sign on the label of the select list.
can also be chosen from a list other than that or those in connection with the chosen candidate for mayor.

A voter can only give a preference vote for one of the candidates for City Council . This should be chosen only from among those on the list vote.
The preference must be expressed by writing the name of the candidate on the line next to the mark.


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