Thursday, May 28, 2009

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I finally found someone to give my vote: I was discouraged, then yesterday it's his wheel. I remember very early in 1978 when Dr. Monti Via Buonarroti together we have prepared for childbirth and after birth, then followed the first and then the second daughter. When this in turn will have a son, I will to submit what you have taught us many years ago: I still look surprised when I explain what I did with my sons and I trust that grew good bike (and it is the heart of mother).
I sincerely hope to see you at the Palazzo Vecchio because we need people like you
PS: my children have the acknowledgment at once!

... in '78 I was tall, blond, tanned, but how did they recognize his children into the picture now?! Honestly, maybe the height was the same but the hair certainly did not fail.
But one thing certainly has not changed: the enthusiasm in work and this gave me a great pleasure to read his letter, giving me a new incentive to "work" as thirty years ago.
If I am in the Palazzo Vecchio is also on his vote and I hope to never betray the trust and the positive view it has of me. Thanks again and many greetings to the children, they too become "old" ... for a pediatrician.
(Paolo Sarti)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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From Corriere della Sera on May 27, 2009

Corriere Fiorentino

From newborns to those rude policy

worked with children for thirty years and now reached the threshold of sixty ' years, decided to compete with the world of politics.
Paolo Sarti, pediatrician, committed in partnership humanitarian Physicians for Human Rights , if elected in the municipal list Left Florence, will make the nursery his biggest battle.

For him the world children have no secrets: he has written books like Infants and rude I will be father for years preparing the mothers at birth. It will be just mothers and children if his first thought will come to the Palazzo Vecchio.
"I have seen the birth of the child care and will defend them to the end. I will defend the public service at the sword." He does not want to hear about alternatives such as kindergartens or nurseries business at home: "Do not there is sudden educators, quality and competence in the first place. "

There will be room for sex education in politics by having Dr. Sarti. Sex education he has also taught elementary school children.
" There is a great need for information. Also to prevent sexual violence. We need to take action on a culture wrong. To combat the climate of violence and aggression against women no longer needed streetlights on the street, you turn on a light in the minds of men. And this can be done only by investing in culture, educating young people to respect ".


Sunday, May 24, 2009

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Why I would vote for Paul Sarti

Alessandro Falciani

would vote for Paul Sarti, if I was living in Florence. Instead
reside in the town of San Casciano while performing my professional activity in Florence. This does not prevent me from suggesting that the choice would prefer Paul Sarti for the contribution he can give, unconditionally, to the city where he lives and works.
disappointing in view of a policy more and more away from the city and its problems, which shows the obvious disisteresse its needs and its hardships, I feel the desire to support the candidacy of a friend and a professional who held the public office with the same seriousness with which carries out, always in the public, the work as a pediatrician.
I also would vote on the distance of our training policy, recognizing that we must abandon all, a timeless symbol now to give the man who holds the opportunity of conducting.
Seizing the founding values \u200b\u200bof the absolute correspondence between private life, professional and public calls to prefer the man in the drawer and let the colors and banners that for too many years have prevented that were given an answer to the citizen. Who will vote for Paul Sarti
support the reliability, competence, intellectual honesty and professional. Support the availability and commitment to their word. But above all, give a face and name to the thickness, the one that has long we are unaccustomed.
Paolo Sarti will do its job in the City Council of Florence, with the qualities that I tried to describe him, the same with which it deals with over thirty years of his young patients.

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Operation Tam-Tam

The theory of six degrees of separation tells us that it is possible to reach anyone, through its network of knowledge, in a maximum of five steps.

We invite all supporters of Paul Tailors who are on Facebook or any other social networking tool , to write this message on their profile:

Vote PAOLO SARTI and left for Florence. If you also want that Paul is elected Councillor of the City Florence, copy and paste this message on your profile. This will help us to contact all those who know him. About:

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

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a dream of Spring Festival Opening

Here are the initiatives of the festival program in the Garden in Via dell Chelazzi, Florence, 22 and 23 May .

Friday, May 22 - Educating for freedom

16.30 - Snack for children and parents, animation and games, with the collaboration of Massimo Presciutti .

18.30 - Prevention of violence: more light in the parks and more light in the brain.
spoke in the debate: Alessandra Pauncz (psychologist), Elodia Migliorini (expert), Paolo Sarti (pediatrician).

20.00 - Cocktails / Dinner

Ore 21.00 - "The Europe of Rights" link in Web TV. Speakers: Pasqualina Napoletano, MEP and Alessandro Bottoni Network (Hackers) European Left and Freedom candidate in the constituency of North East Coordinator Solimeno Paul, candidate for City Council in Florence.

Saturday, May 23 - Education for participation

10.00 - "In search of hidden neighborhood"
bicycle between lights and shadows of the old town.
Meeting in King's Square in the Cascine.

16.30 - Snack for children and parents, animation and games, with the collaboration de La Compagnia del Sorriso .

18.30 - "The wall of participation" The comedian
Andrea Muzzi interview the candidates for District 1.

20.00 - Cocktails / Dinner

Ore 21.00 - "Songs of an Author by Chiodo
Fixed Guitar Club of Florence, Andrea Ardia , singer-songwriter in concert.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Remove Concrete From Aluminum Threshold

This evening will be held on the opening campaign lists of Florence Left, Left for the province and Left and freedom.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Request Only Money For Birthday

Become a campaign supporter of Paul Sarti

To do this just go to this page facebook and click on the word Become a supporter (under the sign of the Left to Florence).

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Guide List of candidates to vote

We publish below some information that we hope will be helpful to our e-readers. "

In municipalities with more than 15 000 inhabitants, the mayor and municipal councilors are elected through the use proportional system.

The voter, after expressing their choice on the candidate mayor may vote for one of the lists linked to it, for any of the other lists (grade separated).

The allocation of seats to the lists is done after the proclamation of the Mayor, which may occur during the 1st or 2nd round. The voting is by proportional representation and the awarding of a prize of majority.

mayoral election in round 1
There are three hypotheses:

a) The candidate for mayor than 50% of the vote, but the list or linked lists do not exceed 50%. In this case there is only the allocation of seats by proportional representation.

b) The mayor and the candidate list or group of linked to it lists more than 50% of valid votes. In this case will be assigned to the list or group of linked lists a majority of the premium up to a maximum of 60% of the seats.

c) The list or lists related to the mayoral candidate over 60% of valid votes. In this case, the allocation of seats is by proportional representation, with no premium.

Election of Mayor to the Round 2

The group lists related to the candidate elected mayor who has not attained at least 60% of the seats in the Council, is assigned 60% of the seats, provided that no other group or list of lists has passed in the first round, 50% of valid votes. The remaining seats are assigned to other lists based on proportional representation.

mode of expression of the vote

's candidacy for the office of Mayor is attached to one or more lists of candidates for City Council .

Each voter can vote for only one candidate for Mayor . The choice can fall on a candidate other than that related to the list you will attach the vote. The vote at the candidate for Mayor is expressed with the sign on rectangle in which is written the name of the selected candidate.

A voter may vote for one list . In this case you should draw a sign on the label of the select list.
can also be chosen from a list other than that or those in connection with the chosen candidate for mayor.

A voter can only give a preference vote for one of the candidates for City Council . This should be chosen only from among those on the list vote.
The preference must be expressed by writing the name of the candidate on the line next to the mark.

Monday, May 4, 2009

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On the site of is left for Florence available list of candidates for the City and County.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

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on Facebook Subscriptions are open to two new groups:
Vote Paolo Sarti
Former patients of Paul Sarti

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Replace Cooktop For Jenn-air Jed8430

The Left Florence

The site of Left Florence is under construction but ... Stay in touch!

Friday, May 1, 2009

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Submission of lists

The Left Florence and the province Left to convene a press conference for the presentation of lists City Council and the Province of Florence.
This will be held Saturday, May 2, 12:30 pm, Café at the Saint Ambrose (Piazza S. Ambrogio 7).
addition to the candidates, there will be Maurizio De Santis (executive left) and Thomas Ciuffoletti (secretary of the Socialist Party).