Saturday, November 20, 2010

Famouse Anti Social People

loved by Jesus. . is to let Him reign

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

celebrate this week the kingship of Christ, that is, Jesus as Lord and King. Concluding the liturgical year with this celebration, we present to Christ, like a tribute carefully prepared, the fruits of the year ends, acknowledging his presence, his help and his friendship. We are also in the threshold of the advent, a time that prepares us for the meeting between God and man, between man and God, and God comes to humanity and to each of us, but we ourselves, we must make our journey toward Him
I present a brief reflection, indeed, for prepare ourselves to live with joy this holiday, in which Jesus says to each of us: I want to reign in your life, 'so I came to this world, let, then, that really kingdoms, as he wants to reign in our life, to instill it in his presence and power of God.
What should we do, how we should live and behave so that we can really put us on the way and let Jesus reign in our lives?
First of all, a person who sets off immediately ready for action and wonders what direction I need to steer. There is nothing worse than telling people feel discouraged: "I'm tired of life", "do not take it anymore," "I'm so many years." God just comes close to renew our lives, to soften our hearts and strengthen our will.
According to let Jesus reign, we must be guided by Him, be obedient and helpful to his inspirations, his voice that speaks to us, first of all Scripture, the story of community life and the real faces of people in need. God speaks to us constantly and we suggest good ideas and actions in our consciousness and in our hearts. We can not hear his voice, if not leave room to listen, especially in moments of our personal prayer, but listen to God means to recognize his presence in the other, being renewed on the other, accept each other without no conditioning to share life in communion.
Third, the soldiers said to Jesus, "if you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." This fact shows us that the kingdom of God is not builds strength, power, human arrogance, but rather, its power lies in his great mercy, his compassion, that is, its ability to share life with others and to establish peaceful relations. Jesus reigns in love, compassion, solidarity, in weakness and meekness.
In conclusion: We can say that Jesus Christ reigns in the report and communion of life and love, the love of his intimate communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit is expressed in relation to humanity, that is with us . Jesus is a king because he is capable of restoring this relationship of love in redemption through his cross. Then, Jesus reigns because it is able to love all their neighbors and to love without conditions, without measuring sacrifices, this is the experience that had the "good thief", he felt deeply loved by the son of God, and this experience life have caused him to desire his conversion for his personal salvation.
think leaves two questions: I can say right now that I really feel loved by Jesus? When you experience the expression of his suffering and serene gaze I can renew my faith and personal faith?

Praised be Jesus Christ ... To all eternity!


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