Friday, December 24, 2010

Kenmore 80 Series Drum

Christmas Day "word" given and shared in communion of life

John the Evangelist shows us the birth of Jesus as the Word and Light to accept and share with us. Christmas is the communication of God through his Word incarnate: Jesus of Nazareth .
Today we are immersed in the so-called information society and culture of communication. These securities mortem really the theme of communication and information each time plays an important role, not to say, esenziale in our lives and in our interpersonal and social relationships.
These days we have been bombarded with an intrusive form of communication, even seductive and persuasive, that is, the advertising : the big media agencies have worked hard to get their objectives: to convince us that what more important at Christmas is to buy and consume. This seems the message that has reverberated in recent days.
I found this expression on the internet of a young man who said to his friend: "I know that Christmas is near, but in that situation you wonder: What did you buy this Christmas?"

It is possible that this is the only message that is communicated and shared in Christmas?

The Gospel announces that Christmas this year is John, who pops up saying "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (John 1, 1). Other translations use the term "Word" instead of Word. My interest is to compare the Word of God: the word free, which saves and creates communion is unity, and our words, not always builds and creates unity.
I think that Christmas should be rediscovered as the feast of the word given and shared, such as self-communication of God through His Word, that Jesus of Nazareth. This is precisely the true meaning of Christmas, which is why we are gathered here today as a community. God wanted to communicate and relate to each of us, by giving Himself to each one of us, for accepting his word can also renew in person.
God communicating with the men wanted to share with us the gift of divine life, and his words reveal the true meaning of our lives. We can only say that our life finds meaning in the encounter with Jesus the Incarnate Word the Father. Presenting Jesus as the Word of the Father places us in a meeting, relationship, contact and communication with God himself. Jesus is Emmanuel: God is with us, renews us and encourages us to give quality to our relational life.
We can then interpret Christmas as the mystery of communicative action of God with humanity and with each of us. I present three challenges that can become both a commitment to live in our small:

- listen to the Word of God by listening to others in their concrete needs.
- Welcoming the Word of God by accepting the words of others with openness and generosity of heart.
- Witnessing the Word to make us believe that God is truly with us and in us.

Word given to mankind Jesus asks us today to each of us become a tool for report and communion to be alive and credible witnesses of a God who is present through us. Word of the Father given to Jesus propels us to us to donate generously in the communion of life.

Praised be Jesus Christ .... ... Always be praised!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hcpcs For Pedal Edema


Now the snow is falling, floating in the air, light, seems undecided on what to rest.
It attacks the branches of trees, the grass stems, leaves and whitening the roofs.
What a blessing to see the changing seasons.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chicken Curry Nutrition Info

landing or ditching or landing?

I came I into the world of bloggers.
I'll try to find time to include a little of my life and my ideas.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Free Gay Toilett Three

Repent for the Kingdom of God is near

Second Sunday of Advent

"A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots"


I begin my discussion by referring to the three antiphons,
- this entry: The Lord will save the people ...
- of the psalm: Come, Lord King of justice and peace ...
- and the Gospel: Prepare the way of the Lord ...

The three antiphons as a whole puts us in tune with the spirit of the advent in general and in particular, the theme of this second week of waiting for the Lord Jesus

An initial application to set better reflection:

What is the most accurate to prepare and wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus?

The gospel of this Second Sunday of Advent presents the figure of John the Baptist, in his words and life we \u200b\u200bfind a key to understanding and interpretation in response to our initial question: How to prepare in this time of waiting?

I present this route:

1 - Look for the conversion of mind, heart and actions.
2 - respond promptly to the invitation of the conversion
3 - witness with joy the new life in the spirit of communion

1 - To check the conversion of mind, heart and actions we must pay attention to:
- mind: thoughts
- heart, feelings, affections, emotions.
- Actions: attitudes, behaviors (fruit of conversion)

Preaching John had as main purpose the proclamation of the nearness of the kingdom of heaven and to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus' call to conversion is addressed to "all", but especially to the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Gospel says Matthew, "seeing many Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism ... "

Why them? The Pharisees and the Sadducees believed that conversion was a mental fact which did not involve the whole person. They limited themselves to perform the commandments of the law and ignoring the main and most important commandment: love toward others (sinners).

a view Pharisees "conversion" was something about the formal ... but that did not touch the depths of the heart. The conversion that announces and proclaims, even Matthew says: cries, it is an "invitation" to the total and radical change in our relationship with God and with others.

The conversion then, first of all, is to rebuild a new relationship with God and with others.
2 - To respond promptly to the invitation of the conversion . The Evangelist Matthew records the words of the prophet Isaiah as advance the mission of John: "Voice of one crying in the wilderness ...." In the invitation of John we find a listing that becomes an emergency, in which there is no time to waste and think. Repent! It is imperative not only an "invitation" ... we must then make the decision now!

The conversion is also our generous response to the grace of God

3 - And finally, for witness with joy the new life in the spirit of communion, as the fruit of our conversion we can extract from the words of the prophet Isaiah's first reading. The Prophet presents us with a world of beauty, harmony and total communion between that man and God, man and man and man and nature. The description of the prophet helps us to understand that the mission of Christians today is to build a human world more beautiful, peaceful, respectful and solidarity between man and man and between man and nature as an expression of our communion with God

From this perspective, conversion is to rebuild a new relationship with God, with others and with nature.

That the word and the life of John the Baptist to guide our feet on the way to a deep conversion, which bring us back to the root of our very being: to live in deep communion and total.

Praised be Jesus Christ ... To all eternity!

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Is The Most Collectible Tech Deck

Culture as a system of values \u200b\u200b

"There is no culture of communication, as there is no culture without communication"

The personal and collective identity is (re) built moment by moment in communication and interpersonal relationship.

At the heart of a culture are placed values. The values \u200b\u200bare the expression of the desirability at some level, but they also constitute beliefs that refer to desirable goals and the conduct appropriate to their achievement.
The study of the cultural dimensions of values \u200b\u200bhas led to the development of different types. We present a typology consisting of three fundamental axes:

1 - Conservatism-autonomy : in cultures based on the conservadurismo 'Everyone is treated as part of a privileged community and are the values \u200b\u200bof social order and solidarity, respect for tradition and self-regulation. By contrast in cultures based on the autonomy the person is considered as a separate entity who finds meaning in its uniqueness and exclusivity.

2 - Hierarchy-alike: in cultures with high hierarchy people are educated and punished to conform to the requirements and standards of their role and unequal distribution of power and resources is considered legitimate. By contrast, in cultures with high equality individuals, considered equal in their rights and duties, are socializzatti towards voluntary cooperation with others and to overcome their selfish interests.

3 - mastery-harmony: in cultures with high mastery, people actively seek to manage and change the physical and social world and are oriented to the values \u200b\u200bof the affirmation of self. In contrast, cultures with high harmony accept the world as it is and underline the sense of unity with the environment and nature.

On the basis of this size shows a significant difference between western cultures (High values \u200b\u200bon Autonomy and Equality, Hierarchy and Conservatism in bass) and eastern (the situation reversed).

This type shows us that there are differences between the communication styles of different cultures :

1 - Communication low contextualization: Western cultures.

- is characterized by the adoption of a code, a direct mode and a precise formulation of statements.

- is an open community, which does little reliance on contextual information and that the other party tries to provide all the necessary knowledge to understand the message.

- Silence is a space to fill, and its presence can embarrass

- individualistic cultures, willing to talk, have a greater adherence to forms of communication at low contextualization trying to achieve clarity and effectiveness, with the aim of getting affection, satisfaction and sense of belonging.
2 - Communication High contextualization: Eastern cultures.

- is qualified by an indirect style and an implicit way, often vague, in which the speaker takes for granted that ' party already knows the situation and intent.

- relies heavily on additional information from the context, it is rather brief, leaving the other party the freedom of speech in understanding the act.

- Silence has a definite value to indicate communicative confidence, discretion social protection challenge and embarrassment.

- collectivist cultures pay more attention to the behavior and social status of the other, more careful to avoid bumping into other people's feelings and to impose their point of view.

See Anolli L. (2000), Psychology of Communication, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 89, 99, 100-101.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Famouse Anti Social People

loved by Jesus. . is to let Him reign

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

celebrate this week the kingship of Christ, that is, Jesus as Lord and King. Concluding the liturgical year with this celebration, we present to Christ, like a tribute carefully prepared, the fruits of the year ends, acknowledging his presence, his help and his friendship. We are also in the threshold of the advent, a time that prepares us for the meeting between God and man, between man and God, and God comes to humanity and to each of us, but we ourselves, we must make our journey toward Him
I present a brief reflection, indeed, for prepare ourselves to live with joy this holiday, in which Jesus says to each of us: I want to reign in your life, 'so I came to this world, let, then, that really kingdoms, as he wants to reign in our life, to instill it in his presence and power of God.
What should we do, how we should live and behave so that we can really put us on the way and let Jesus reign in our lives?
First of all, a person who sets off immediately ready for action and wonders what direction I need to steer. There is nothing worse than telling people feel discouraged: "I'm tired of life", "do not take it anymore," "I'm so many years." God just comes close to renew our lives, to soften our hearts and strengthen our will.
According to let Jesus reign, we must be guided by Him, be obedient and helpful to his inspirations, his voice that speaks to us, first of all Scripture, the story of community life and the real faces of people in need. God speaks to us constantly and we suggest good ideas and actions in our consciousness and in our hearts. We can not hear his voice, if not leave room to listen, especially in moments of our personal prayer, but listen to God means to recognize his presence in the other, being renewed on the other, accept each other without no conditioning to share life in communion.
Third, the soldiers said to Jesus, "if you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." This fact shows us that the kingdom of God is not builds strength, power, human arrogance, but rather, its power lies in his great mercy, his compassion, that is, its ability to share life with others and to establish peaceful relations. Jesus reigns in love, compassion, solidarity, in weakness and meekness.
In conclusion: We can say that Jesus Christ reigns in the report and communion of life and love, the love of his intimate communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit is expressed in relation to humanity, that is with us . Jesus is a king because he is capable of restoring this relationship of love in redemption through his cross. Then, Jesus reigns because it is able to love all their neighbors and to love without conditions, without measuring sacrifices, this is the experience that had the "good thief", he felt deeply loved by the son of God, and this experience life have caused him to desire his conversion for his personal salvation.
think leaves two questions: I can say right now that I really feel loved by Jesus? When you experience the expression of his suffering and serene gaze I can renew my faith and personal faith?

Praised be Jesus Christ ... To all eternity!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pancake Recipe With Baking Mix

reduce and not to complicate the cross ...

bear his cross for Christians becomes the condition sine qua non to become disciples of Jesus The sign of the cross, as well as representing the suffering of our Savior, is an expression of belonging and identity and collective. Contemplating the Cross should lead us to recognize the life, love and freedom that Jesus has given us. The icon I think of community life may be the encounter between Jesus and Simon of Cyrene Cyrene was the one who had helped carry the cross of the Nazarene. Carry the Cross personnel and ease (not heavy) of the cross others becomes a challenge to our human society.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Side Effects Eating Flour


Cycling is a non-polluting means of transport and energy-efficient: the administration will take note.

Eugenio Galli , 44, president of fairy tales Ciclobby, Global Velocity has returned from Copenhagen - the most important event on urban mobility chassis, held in June - with very clear ideas.

"He talked about two success stories at the antipodes: Copenhagen, home of cycling for decades, and Seville, which only recently, by choice of the administration, has pushed a lot of strength on the bike path, drastically changing the fate of traffic. It takes political will . But this we is very weak - if not absent - and the institutions hides behind excuses like "lack of bike culture", "no money" or "technical problems do not allow us to ...". But it's only alibi.
So it is only a matter of will?
not alone. E 'indispensable
vision strategic problem of trafficking and, more generally, of living that we want to give Milan. You have to have the honesty to ask a simple question: What city do we want?
Tell me, what city do we want?
Excuse me, you would like to live in a city designed for cars or people?

For people.
Good. Here a question of successor method : any new intervention should be established at the design stage adequate space for bicycles. But today it is not: just look at the tunnel and the station of Porta Nuova Garibaldi, has one lane for bicycles. O Corso Buenos Aires, where people thought the parking lots for bicycles has simply drawing a line on the ground. Without poles, no bows, no wire racks where the medium.
A genius ...
... or a person who has never set foot on the pedals!

And who put all this into practice? There's a party in Milan?
No, since the Department of Crosses has been segregated no longer a single point. Along with determination, vision and method should be
action . It takes an institutional set up to give some substance, to accomplish. And who knows how to listen to citizens, civil society associations. Do you think that in Amsterdam, one of the stages of my summer vacation ( could not be otherwise, ed ) the public were invited to choose one of several racks, with different shapes and features, to contribute to the city. With us nothing but racks, there are even the parking lots near the train stations.
And here we have the infrastructure.
Exactly. I discussed a few weeks ago in a meeting with Stefano Boeri, the Democratic Party candidate in the primary elections for mayor of Milan. Let me be clear - the avoidance of controversy really sterile - the bike is not right nor left. We need to work on infrastructure such as bike paths or bike lanes.

Excuse me for interrupting you, please explain the difference.
The bike rider separates it clearly from the sidewalk and the street and has a high cost. It is essential in cases in which the cyclist can not share the road with the car: just think of viale Forlanini.
is a race bike?
is a strip of paint on the floor on one side of the road. Has minimal cost. It is important that motorists comply.
Ciclobby So not only calls for bike paths?
Not at all! We are fighting for something much more concrete and realistic: you can not build bike paths in all the streets of Milan, it would be madness. We focus on a mix of ingredients to achieve the widespread cycling.
Let's do this: I read his list of five ingredients for the popular cycling and she comments on them. First, mobility.
Reducing traffic in some way (think in zones where the limit to 30 km / h), create lanes and bike paths, sidewalks, bicycle paths, without forgetting the signs.
Second, stop.
parking spaces and equipment. A Cadorna bikes are fastened to the poles, the gallows, the trees. It is a depressing spectacle. Why has not thought of a bicycle parking near the station? Even in Central Station, recently restored with great investment of time and money, nothing is designed to exchange public transport / bike.
And this is the third point, intermodality.
Exactly. Whether the use of means and bike together (but not Atm answers for years about the possibility of bringing the bike on the metro ...) and in the interchange between public transport and bicycles.
Fourth, perhaps the most interesting security.
understood in two ways: security against theft and road safety. But maintenance, information, education and road.
fifth and final point: the services.
Bike sharing, velostazioni, car parks, information points, maps ...
practical effect to those five points out of Milan.
start with the platform: there are more than 80 identified by the City Council Ciclobby together and that could be used by pedestrians and cyclists together. For example, one is the sidewalk of Via Luigi Nono, along the Monumental Cemetery. Time and cost are reduced.
Then think of the bicycle parking near schools, hospitals, government offices, railway stations.
Go ahead.
In the medium term to take the Cycling Mobility Plan designed by the City of Milan Ciclobby in 2007 but dropped in a vacuum. It's a plan that can lead Milan to reach that cycling spread made of five ingredients that we talked about before, with low fees and realistic time frames.
dropped into the void? Why?
But we had already mentioned the lack of political will?
Right, sorry. Let us now give the numbers: Ciclobby a census every year, many cyclists have counted?
We count cyclists entering and leaving the ring of canals. In 2003 there were about 25 000, almost 30 000 today. The numbers are growing slowly. But in utter disregard of the institutions. If only he had taken any decision to promote cycling spread, who knows how many cyclists would now ...
President, with the "if" and the "but" ... How many miles of trails are there?
Who says 100 km, some 150. But as I said the tracks are one of the ingredients, important but not sufficient. Then the tracks in Milan are a stew ... 100 yards here, 300 there.
are days when we speak of "Berlin model", ie cycle lanes marked with a strip of paint. Who are we to take inspiration from abroad?
Everyone thinks in Berlin or Amsterdam, but they are very different city from London. I advise our advisors to take a trip to Monaco, which is very similar in morphology and population to our city. At first the bike is a whole other world.
Prospects? In the spring we will choose a new mayor.
Look, the important thing is that the bike is not only used as a spot electoral candidates. With Letizia Moratti we had a searing disappointment: he had entered the cycle mobility between the points of his program. But the (non) results are there for all to see.
is very simple, the new mayor has to choose which city wants to give Milan: a measure of a person or customized car " .

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pediatrician At Markham

The study behind the hedge-

invitation with great pleasure interested parties at the opening of my art studio Friday 12 November
to 18:00
The exhibition will open on Saturday 13 and Sunday, November 14
from 15 to 18.

Studio Art Giorgia Moretti

47 Adriatic via Bellaria (Rn)
is by appointment via email

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Christmas Card For My Ex Text

Works of Art Works: windows painted

Tocco 70x100cm

Two Mothers 70x100cm

Matches 70x100cm

What Herbs To Replace Tarragon

be a sign and mediators of the Risen Christ

be a sign and mediators of the Risen Christ

Homily for Easter Sunday (Parish of Saint George)

Today we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord. The feast of Easter is the most important of the whole liturgical year. It is a feast of light: the Lord illuminates us, puts in our hearts an immense joy and immense hope, and also fills them with love. The story of the Gospel of John puts us in the day Sunday, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb of Jesus, where they had left the body ... This master narrative is rich in signs, each sign always has a meaning that we must discover in order to understand the message:

- Maria arrives saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb
- Peter and John "run" ... but John comes first, but "not entered" ... why?
- John entered the tomb, but after Peter, and looked at the sheets and the cloth ... "saw and believed" .

From these three signs
process my reflection:

1 - The Risen Christ is full of power: "... the stone had been removed from the tomb."

The resurrection of Jesus is the power it grants us the forgiveness of our sins. In fact, with his passion he won for us the forgiveness of all sins, even the most severe. The life of Christ transforms us from within. We are no longer simply human level, but we have within us a seed of new life that transforms us and renewed with the grace and power of the resurrection.

2 - John comes first, but he did not, was "Peter went into the tomb"

L 'John the Evangelist note that, while running faster and getting first is full of respect for Peter, I really considered as the leader of the apostles, so do not immediately enter the tomb, but Peter does come first.

The Christian community is not a collection of people living anarchic, ie, where each member of the rules you create an independent and free with no reference, precluding any form of entertainment and joint management. St. Paul, when speaking of the Christian community, uses the example of the body to explain that the Church must live in harmony and communion. Living and working in communion is the most convincing sign that Jesus is alive among us.

3 - John to see the sheets and the cloth ... "saw and believed"

The resurrection of Jesus was the event that illuminated the minds and hearts of the disciples. The risen Jesus is the light source, a very encouraging and positive light that gives us a fresh look to see concrete signs that speak of the resurrection of Jesus

risen Jesus is the source of light and new life which should manifest itself in concrete signs, or in our way of thinking, feeling, acting and loving of each other. If we express thoughts, feelings and actions of the new signs we too become living and effective mediators of the Risen Christ.

Manifestarà Jesus is alive in our community, our family ... in us and through us, then, God calls us to be signs and mediators of the Resurrection, then resurrected it means to live as they gradually make their feelings and attitudes of Jesus, 'new man.

You can live like Jesus, to the extent that we live with generosity and spirit of service, with great attention to the needs of others, living in love, brotherly love and fellowship of sharing in action spirit.

The Lord is risen, Alleluia! Let us rejoice and be glad in Him, striving to be signs and mediators to:
FAITH : in union with the Risen Christ through joyful celebration of the Sunday Eucharist;
HOPE : in time of trouble, trial and suffering;
CHARITY : through love, fellowship, involvement and support in solidarity.

Christ Risen signs and help us to be mediators of the Faith, Hope and Charity Christian.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Doujinshi Dragonball Mokuji

Learning to relate to and will sign a new life ...

relate to others is an art that, like all art, must be learned

I'm working on experience face-to-face or interpersonal communication, I present to you a few lines and then close the book by Henry Cheli that I feel extremely interesting and emerging. He proposes these things:

1 - Learning to relate

2 - For communication "healthy" you must switch from self-awareness of the other

3 - Communicate = express + active listening

We can represent this simultaneity between expressiveness and listening through the symbol of the Taoist Tai Chi You, who represents the dynamic interaction between the opposite and complementary principles of Yin (female side of the communication) and Yang (masculine side of the communication).

Explanation of symbols:

- Half white : 's expressiveness . Here is a small round black area that reminds us that while we can express, and we must also listen: listen to us and listen / observe the reactions of others.

- Half black : 's listening. Here is the white circle and reminds us that while we hear a lot of messages at the same time we express no verbal signals of attention, contact, approval, but also of inattention or dissent.

R iflettere on some of these ...

"Relations with other deeply affect our physical well-being and can be made to make us happy or bitter, angry, depressed, and can even lead to the development of real psychosocial disorders, psychosomatic and psycho-emotional "(Cheli, 2008, p. 1)

" We are in a transition phase in which people wish to orient their relations in light of new needs, new hopes, new values, but still have not learned a new and more appropriate ways to communicate and relate and above have not developed the ability of self-determination, using their knowledge to make choices, instead you blindly follow predetermined routes by others "(Cheli, 2008, p. 42).

Seven steps to transform their relationships: (Cheli, 2008, pp. 46-48)

"Interpersonal relationships as a mirror of the relationship with oneself"

1 - Recognize that there is a problem and an inconvenience, if you do not recognize that things are not going well as we would like and pretends that everything goes well we will have no motivation to change.

2 - Knowing that you can improve and that it is never too late to do so.

3 - Learning about the causes of socio-cultural, psychological and communicational these issues.

4 - sharpen self-awareness, the ability to bring conscious attention to what is happening inside and outside of us, to realize what is happening within us and around us as soon as it happens, and emotional detachment, that is, as if looking from the outside. [...] Only by understanding their own emotional reactions and internal conflicts we can really understand those of others, only the consciousness of our masks will help others to get rid of them, so as to create a report that is spontaneous, sincere and constructive.

5 - Ability to view other people abscission and relational situations that we live with them.

6 - to distance themselves from their habits of communication relationships, breaking the identification.

7 - Develop a confident and positive attitude towards the existence, seeing it as a continuing source of learning for which every event, every situation, every relationship can teach us about life and especially about ourselves.

P er go deeper: Cheli E. (2008), Interpersonal relationships, Milan, Xenia.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How Play Avp2 No Cd On Mac

10 years as a priest!

Moto priestly

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me, to give glad tidings to the poor. " (Luke 4, 18).

the Comunità luogo ( human growth ) OF TESTIMONY
(non-site: Area of \u200b\u200banonymity, mobility, intersection - Termini)
- Last week we heard their preacher to the Pope (the great title /)
-Tomorrow will be the vicar D. Bregolin ...
- But today ... you should be content with my humble words

KEY WORDS the homily : community testimony, humanity, and San Jose.


This month (March) we celebrated
birthdays : Roberto Ruiz (5), Mario Leyton (10), Javier Rivas (21); Alaertes Sebastian (28)
Aniversario priestly : Gustavo Coronel Arevalos Cavagnari and Claudio (10 years).

Don From Covolo told us things are true, but ... in my opinion, I think in situations that we are in the community is still "winter" to sow the seed of holiness: I will try to reflect on why ...

I hope not to make statements against the "dogmatic truths," but ... I think what I say, at least for me, is important. I am convinced that we can not strive towards holiness if we neglect the human and relational dimension of our community life and our interpersonal relationships. "Before we must be holy men"

My reflection rotates back to WHY? There are so many because I do not understand ... are inconsistencies, ambitions unnecessary, obsolete forms of management, attitudes that undermine the spirit of family ...

I-LOOK ON OUR REALITY: the word God's not fall into an existential void.

We commit ourselves to live every Thursday and to celebrate "Community Day" (Thursday we were even some "unfaithful" to the Lenten fast), and, in this point I wonder: Why all this ? And I ask this question:
- celebrate truly a living reality of the community or is it just a pious intention?
- Our spiritual life is an expression of our fraternal life?
- Our fraternal life is the prolongation of our spiritual life?
- There are some distortions between these two dimensions?


This gospel passage is part of Chapter 5 is told where the presence of Jesus in Jerusalem (the city that represents the Temple Worship and the Law). Jesus heals a sick man in his Saturday and goes against the requirements of the law of the Jews. This Jesus is a sign that "the person" is central to its mission and not the law nor the rules. By doing this, Jesus reveals the falsity of the Pharisees.

because the gospel of John puts it in his mouth 10 times the word JESUS \u200b\u200bWITNESS: (17 verses) mica that is a coincidence ...
- 5 times in relation to another: Giovanni Batista
- 2 is sometimes referred Jesus himself
- 2 times the work to be done
- 1 time in God the Father
- 1 time Writing
from these references that the Gospel may be assumed that the personal and community witness has to do with:
- what others say about us: report alterity
- what we think of being: personal integrity
- we have to do: dedication to our commitment
- what God asks of us: obedience to the will divine
- what the Bible tells us every day: personal discernment

I should note that only refers to the relationships. Jesus says to the Jews: "You do not want to come to me for life, because: you do not have in the love of God."

Listening to the voice of God the Father, "is mediated, ie, passes through the voice of another (John). Therefore, to understand deeply the Word, not just the logical intelligence, but most need of opening hearts and minds relational

His mother told him: "Son, why have you done this? Here is your father and I, looking for you anxiously ... "

St. Joseph was called the" Holy of silence. " In the Gospel is not his words, we know his figure for his work, his attitudes, the expression of his love, his role as protector, guide, and responsible father and always present in his family.

The silence of St. Joseph is not an expression of complexity, distrust or timidity. His silence was perhaps the richest in a relational skills wise and authoritative guide, because he was able to assume the role of an active listener. His silence is a silence with respect for others, a silence which is the expression of a person who knows how to measure his words carefully and wisely.

"St. Joseph was an authoritative guide because he was able to relate actively listening"

So ... at this point I would add one other thing: to hear God's voice in the voice of others, it takes the emotional or relational intelligence.

In other words , we must be able to interpret reality from the perspective of others, have the ability to put ourselves in the situation of the other. This means compassion: to suffer with others. This is proof that Jesus spoke about and showed us in his life.

I think the human dimension of the witness through the good relationship with others, which is expressed: in the way we treat people, in the style of communication that we establish, in the form of managing a group of people and an institution.


In this season of Lent we are invited to listen to the voice of God is the VOICE of the brethren to continue and bring to a successful conversion of our journey ... (so the preacher told us last week), this is true ... but
I think there is still insufficient because connotes (to me) a spiritual dualism, especially since there is a risk of underestimating the voice of others (brothers) and give more importance to a disembodied spirituality.

we must listen to the voice of God in the voice of others, that the voices of the members (this is for us a duty of community life) (what does not is reduced only to the words ... but also to non-verbal language .. and above all the language prosemico)

finish : Quote of the words: Don Pietro Brocardo in his book, "Don Bosco man deeply, deeply holy"

"Don Bosco is a saint because he lived deeply human dimension. He was a heavenly sign that radiates light with his being, with what he does and what he says. "