Friday, December 24, 2010

Kenmore 80 Series Drum

Christmas Day "word" given and shared in communion of life

John the Evangelist shows us the birth of Jesus as the Word and Light to accept and share with us. Christmas is the communication of God through his Word incarnate: Jesus of Nazareth .
Today we are immersed in the so-called information society and culture of communication. These securities mortem really the theme of communication and information each time plays an important role, not to say, esenziale in our lives and in our interpersonal and social relationships.
These days we have been bombarded with an intrusive form of communication, even seductive and persuasive, that is, the advertising : the big media agencies have worked hard to get their objectives: to convince us that what more important at Christmas is to buy and consume. This seems the message that has reverberated in recent days.
I found this expression on the internet of a young man who said to his friend: "I know that Christmas is near, but in that situation you wonder: What did you buy this Christmas?"

It is possible that this is the only message that is communicated and shared in Christmas?

The Gospel announces that Christmas this year is John, who pops up saying "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (John 1, 1). Other translations use the term "Word" instead of Word. My interest is to compare the Word of God: the word free, which saves and creates communion is unity, and our words, not always builds and creates unity.
I think that Christmas should be rediscovered as the feast of the word given and shared, such as self-communication of God through His Word, that Jesus of Nazareth. This is precisely the true meaning of Christmas, which is why we are gathered here today as a community. God wanted to communicate and relate to each of us, by giving Himself to each one of us, for accepting his word can also renew in person.
God communicating with the men wanted to share with us the gift of divine life, and his words reveal the true meaning of our lives. We can only say that our life finds meaning in the encounter with Jesus the Incarnate Word the Father. Presenting Jesus as the Word of the Father places us in a meeting, relationship, contact and communication with God himself. Jesus is Emmanuel: God is with us, renews us and encourages us to give quality to our relational life.
We can then interpret Christmas as the mystery of communicative action of God with humanity and with each of us. I present three challenges that can become both a commitment to live in our small:

- listen to the Word of God by listening to others in their concrete needs.
- Welcoming the Word of God by accepting the words of others with openness and generosity of heart.
- Witnessing the Word to make us believe that God is truly with us and in us.

Word given to mankind Jesus asks us today to each of us become a tool for report and communion to be alive and credible witnesses of a God who is present through us. Word of the Father given to Jesus propels us to us to donate generously in the communion of life.

Praised be Jesus Christ .... ... Always be praised!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hcpcs For Pedal Edema


Now the snow is falling, floating in the air, light, seems undecided on what to rest.
It attacks the branches of trees, the grass stems, leaves and whitening the roofs.
What a blessing to see the changing seasons.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chicken Curry Nutrition Info

landing or ditching or landing?

I came I into the world of bloggers.
I'll try to find time to include a little of my life and my ideas.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Free Gay Toilett Three

Repent for the Kingdom of God is near

Second Sunday of Advent

"A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots"


I begin my discussion by referring to the three antiphons,
- this entry: The Lord will save the people ...
- of the psalm: Come, Lord King of justice and peace ...
- and the Gospel: Prepare the way of the Lord ...

The three antiphons as a whole puts us in tune with the spirit of the advent in general and in particular, the theme of this second week of waiting for the Lord Jesus

An initial application to set better reflection:

What is the most accurate to prepare and wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus?

The gospel of this Second Sunday of Advent presents the figure of John the Baptist, in his words and life we \u200b\u200bfind a key to understanding and interpretation in response to our initial question: How to prepare in this time of waiting?

I present this route:

1 - Look for the conversion of mind, heart and actions.
2 - respond promptly to the invitation of the conversion
3 - witness with joy the new life in the spirit of communion

1 - To check the conversion of mind, heart and actions we must pay attention to:
- mind: thoughts
- heart, feelings, affections, emotions.
- Actions: attitudes, behaviors (fruit of conversion)

Preaching John had as main purpose the proclamation of the nearness of the kingdom of heaven and to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus' call to conversion is addressed to "all", but especially to the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Gospel says Matthew, "seeing many Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism ... "

Why them? The Pharisees and the Sadducees believed that conversion was a mental fact which did not involve the whole person. They limited themselves to perform the commandments of the law and ignoring the main and most important commandment: love toward others (sinners).

a view Pharisees "conversion" was something about the formal ... but that did not touch the depths of the heart. The conversion that announces and proclaims, even Matthew says: cries, it is an "invitation" to the total and radical change in our relationship with God and with others.

The conversion then, first of all, is to rebuild a new relationship with God and with others.
2 - To respond promptly to the invitation of the conversion . The Evangelist Matthew records the words of the prophet Isaiah as advance the mission of John: "Voice of one crying in the wilderness ...." In the invitation of John we find a listing that becomes an emergency, in which there is no time to waste and think. Repent! It is imperative not only an "invitation" ... we must then make the decision now!

The conversion is also our generous response to the grace of God

3 - And finally, for witness with joy the new life in the spirit of communion, as the fruit of our conversion we can extract from the words of the prophet Isaiah's first reading. The Prophet presents us with a world of beauty, harmony and total communion between that man and God, man and man and man and nature. The description of the prophet helps us to understand that the mission of Christians today is to build a human world more beautiful, peaceful, respectful and solidarity between man and man and between man and nature as an expression of our communion with God

From this perspective, conversion is to rebuild a new relationship with God, with others and with nature.

That the word and the life of John the Baptist to guide our feet on the way to a deep conversion, which bring us back to the root of our very being: to live in deep communion and total.

Praised be Jesus Christ ... To all eternity!